Embracing Math: Cultivating a Mindset for Exploring and Learning

About the Book
Table of Contents
- Introduction
Part 1: Exploring Math with Open-Ended Materials and Strategies
- Chapter 1: Unexpected Treasure: How Real and Recycled Objects Inspire Thinking and Learning
- Chapter 2: Ten Fun Activities to Engage Children in Subitizing
- Chapter 3: Using Children’s Names to Build Number Sense
- Chapter 4: Playing with Shapes Using Pentominoes
- Chapter 5: Creating Coding Stories and Games
Part 2: Embedding Math in All Areas of the Classroom
- Chapter 6: Making Math Meaningful for Young Children
- Chapter 7: Integrated Math in Learning Centers
Chapter 8: Connecting Math Concepts with Literacy Experiences
Coauthored by Erin Keith - Chapter 9: Math Learning—and a Touch of Science—in the Outdoor World
- Chapter 10: Mathematical Masterpieces: Exploring Math Through Art
- Chapter 11: Easy Ways to Integrate Math in the Gym and Beyond
Part 3: Scaffolding Mathematical Inquiry
- Chapter 12: Classroom Bird Feeding: Giving Flight to Children’s Imaginations
Chapter 13: “Paper Shoes Aren’t for Dancing!” Children’s Explorations of Music and Movement Through Inquiry
Coauthored by Jennifer Bombardier - Chapter 14: Mitten Measurement: Inspiring Rich Math Inquiry Through Children’s Books
- Chapter 15: Counting Kindness: How a Food Drive Inspired Rich Mathematical Thinking
- Appendix: Reproducible Resources for Families
- References
- Resources
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
Book Details
ISBN: 978-1-938113-65-9
Publish Date: 2020
Related Resources
"Baking Math for Families and Young Children" - Read Sharon Davis's tips for incorporating math into baking fun.
For Families
"Math in the Bath" - Discover the many math concepts you can explore with your child during bathtime in this article by Sarah Erdmann.
"Support Math Readiness Through Music" - In this article, Eugene Geist shows how math concepts like patterns, one-to-one correspondence, and more can be explored through music.
Deanna Pecaski McLennan, PhD, is a kindergarten educator and author in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. She loves exploring mathematics through a play-, inquiry-based approach. She enjoys sharing her classroom practice and connecting with others using social media. @McLennan1977

Embracing Math is a valuable resource to help teachers find and use the math that is all around us in their early childhood classrooms. Not only does it include many specific examples, it also provides a strong conceptual framework about exploring and embedding math through questions, conversations, and inquiries.
—Mary Hynes-Berry, Coauthor of Where’s the Math? and Faculty, Erikson Institute and Early Math Collaborative
Pecaski McLennan draws from many sources of inspiration and includes a wide range of meaningful activities for children’s engagement with mathematics, from interactions with natural objects to the foundations of computer coding. Each chapter includes ways to encourage and leverage children’s natural curiosity by assisting them in making connections to mathematics in the world around them in structured and unstructured ways. This book supports emerging mathematicians in an age-appropriate and effective manner.
—Andrew M. Tyminski, Associate Professor of Mathematics Education, Clemson University
Math is everywhere, and the earlier young children see its power in their daily lives, the more likely they are to explore it instead of fear it. This book shows us how to raise our next generation to embrace and excel at math.
—Laura Overdeck, Founder and President, Bedtime Math
Pecaski McLennan openly acknowledges how her own mathematical identity impacted that of her students. She shows readers that by embracing math and seeing it everywhere, we can provide children with rich opportunities for mathematics teaching and learning.
—Toni Galassini, Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, Chicago Public Schools Office of Early Childhood Education
This is just the resource I need to bring my math instruction to the next level. My students and I will definitely be exploring, learning, and having fun with math this upcoming school year!
—William Breeman, Transitional Kindergarten Teacher, San José Unified School District
This book offers a hands-on, inquiry-based approach to exploring mathematics with young children that integrates mathematics with science, literacy, and art. Pecaski McLennan’s suggestions for engaging in meaningful, story-based precoding activities to support computational thinking, spatial reasoning, and number sense are particularly noteworthy and relevant!
—Ashley Lewis Presser, Research Scientist, Education Development Center