Daily Routines and Classroom Transitions

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Home / Daily Routines and Classroom Transitions
Routines and transitions are an essential part of building a supportive classroom for young children. NAEYC provides strategies for families, educators and programs to create a safe and supportive environment for all students.
Choose from the resources below to find strategies that support daily routines and transitions in the classroom.
- Instead of Discipline, Use Guidance
- From Circle Time to Small Groups: Meeting Children’s Needs
- Miss Nelson is Missing! Preparing for a Substitute Teacher
- Timing Is Everything : Understanding the Importance of Timing, Length, and Sequence of Activities
- Reducing Challenging Behaviors during Transitions: Strategies for Early Childhood Educators to Share with Parents
- Class Meetings (Book)
- Rituals and Traditions (Book)
- Rethinking Circle Time: Effective Communication with Young Children (On Demand)
NAEYC Members Only:
- The Power of “Good Morning”
- Mindful Morning Meetings
- Assessing Opportunities to Support Each Child: 12 Practices for Quality Inclusion
- Supporting Anxious Children in the Preschool Classroom
Enhancing the Diapering Routine: Caring, Communication, and Development
- In Arabic: Enhancing the Diapering Routine
- HELLO: Minimizing disruptive transition resources
- HELLO: Getting control back