Jennifer Kalas, M.Ed., has a B.S. in Elementary Education and a M.Ed. in Educational Leadership. Jennifer presents nationally, regionally, and locally on best practices in early childhood and consults with directors, coaches, and teachers on the Environment Rating Scales, CLASS, program development and improvement.
She is the Anchor Assessor for the Nevada Silver State Stars QRIS, supervising assessors and monitoring the training of coaches and assessors in Nevada.
Jennifer teaches introductory Early Childhood Education courses for the College of Southern Nevada. After serving as the President of the Nevada Association for the Education of Young Children (NevAEYC) for four years, she is now the Chair of the Affiliate Advisory Council. Her work with the Affiliate focused on bringing high quality professional development to Nevada for practitioners and to advocate for Nevada’s youngest children.
During her time as President of NevAEYC, she worked with other leaders in broadening the leadership base at the board level and organizing better business practices as a non-profit. Great local leadership continued that progress. Working locally to develop a more professional non-profit organization was part of the motivation to apply for a Council position and assist in supporting the process of growth for other Affiliates.