The Essentials: Providing High-Quality Family Child Care

About the Book
Family child care homes are a vital part of child care, serving nearly 3 million children in the United States. This book lays the groundwork family child care providers need to run a successful program in a warm, welcoming setting for children and their families. Find out more about how to
Develop and manage a well-organized family child care program
Nurture children’s learning and development in multiage groups
Intentionally use positive guidance and encourage healthy social interactions
Foster strong partnerships with families
Balance your personal and professional needs
Expand your knowledge and skills with the guidance in this resource to effectively offer the highest quality early care and education to children ages birth through 8.
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Book Details
ISBN: 978-1-938113-35-2
Publish Date: 2018
Marie Masterson, PhD, is the director of quality assessment at the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership at National Louis University, where she oversees evaluation for ExceleRate Illinois. She holds a doctorate in early childhood education, is a licensed teacher, and is a national speaker and author of many books and articles that address research-based, practical skills for high-quality teaching, behavior guidance, quality improvement, and leadership. She is a contributing editor of Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8, fourth edition, and coauthor of
Building on Whole Leadership: Energizing and Strengthening Your Early Childhood Program. Dr. Masterson is a former higher education faculty teacher trainer and early childhood specialist for the Virginia Department of Education. She provides educational consulting and professional development training to child care programs, schools, and organizations engaged in quality improvement and equitable teaching initiatives.

Lisa M. Ginet, EdD, enjoyed the years that she ran a family child care program in her home. She is currently the director of Erikson Institute’s Early Math Collaborative.

What a remarkable book to reenergize family child care providers! The information presented in this book is clear, easy to digest, and covers many aspects of starting your own family child care program. The vignettes and provider stories included in each chapter will help you visualize real-life scenarios and solutions. Also a must for trainers, coaches, and mentors!
—Eva Daniels, CEO, Daniels Early Care and Education Consulting–Family Child Care Solutions, and former Executive Director, National Association for Family Child Care
Marie Masterson and Lisa Ginet understand and appreciate the unique business that is family child care. Throughout this book, there is a clear expectation that providers are committed to providing high-quality education and care to children and their families, not only by understanding how children learn and develop but by applying that knowledge to benefit each child. This is a resource that should be in every professional family child care provider’s library.
—Barbara Sawyer, Trainer and Consultant, Child Care Consulting and Training Services, Inc.
Offering high-quality child care is the goal of every family child care program, and this book explains the basics you need to know. Learn how to build a cohesive relationship in which everyone—family child care educator, children, and their families—works together as a team!
—Corinne Carr, Family Child Care Owner and Educator, Special Blessings Child Care