Ann McClain Terrell: Candidate Statement

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After much consideration and reflection, it gives me pleasure to submit to the NAEYC Nominating Committee this personal statement in support of my candidacy for the NAEYC President Elect position. I take this matter seriously and wanted to be sure that I am ready for the opportunities, challenges and rewards that, if my candidacy is successful, this will bring. Below I will share what I believe are my knowledge, skills and abilities that will contribute to NAEYC’s leadership at this point and time.
For the better part of the last four decades I have dedicated myself to the field of early childhood education in roles from the classroom to the boardroom of organizations that support, educate and advocate on behalf of young children. Specifically for this role, I have served previously as an at large member of the NAEYC Governing Board from 2013 – 2017 and will bring that experience with me to this process. In that capacity I am proud to say that I participated in the creation of the Strategic Vision and would be honored to see it through the next steps. I also served as Chair of the Governing Board Nominating Committee. I will also bring with me my experience serving as a board member and trustee of other organizations. In particular, I was appointed by former Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle to chair the task force that led to the creation of the Wisconsin quality rating system, YoungStar. I’m pleased to say that I facilitated the 24 member committee to consensus on the recommendations we presented to Governor Doyle. I believe I have the experience, knowledge, skill set, tenor and tone to lead a diverse body of committed and passionate individuals in collaboration with the NAEYC administration and it would be a privilege to do so.
As I think about the key issues of our field today, obviously what comes to mind is the Power to the Profession effort that is underway. When I review the work to date, I reflect on my own 45 year career pathway as an African American early childhood professional. My work began as an assistant teacher in a child care classroom and progressed to teacher, center director and campus child care coordinator, multi-site afterschool program director, child care center and family child care program licensor, adjunct faculty, public school early childhood director, administrator and foundation director. I also think about the commitment it took for me, as a person working in the field, to obtain my bachelor degree – 20 years after receiving my associate degree. As I reflect, I think about the challenges I had to hurdle and the opportunities that were presented to me. I would bring all of those experiences to the table with me as a leader in this organization.
I believe that I am qualified to be elected as President Elect and also believe that I am the right person at this time to fill that role and responsibility.