The following changes are effective September 1, 2020.
1. What are the member benefits that are changing?
The current number of issues for both Young Children (YC) and Teaching Young Children (TYC) will be reduced to 3 printed issues per year for each publication. There will be a fourth digital Special Edition of both YC and TYC published in the summer of 2021.
The Standard Level membership print book benefit will be replaced with an E-book version of the NAEYC selected new book publication. Premium Level members will have one of their pre-selected print books replaced with the same E-book selection that Standard Level members receive.
2. Why did NAEYC make changes to member benefits?
The expenses associated with providing NAEYC membership benefits are significantly higher than the price of membership. Rather than raise the price or cut the benefits, NAEYC has been able to subsidize member benefits through other revenue lines over the last several years. However, with a drop in revenue the expenses associated with member benefits need to be more aligned to the revenue. Even with these changes, NAEYC continues to subsidize benefits beyond the cost to members.
3. Are the changes to member benefits permanent?
Changes to member benefits are permanent. As with all member benefits, we will continue to assess the value of benefits as well as the cost to deliver member benefits. We know the exceptional content of the books and journals are valuable to many educators, and while digital accessibility is beneficial to many, we are also glad to be able to continue to provide three issues of each journal in print as a member benefit.
4. When will these changes take effect?
These changes will take effect on September 1, 2020.
5. Will I be able to get a refund or to downgrade my membership?
The benefits of membership in a professional association extend beyond tangible products, and while some components of membership benefits are changing, the majority of membership benefits remain the same. This means that members will not have the option of making changes to current plans. We know that change is difficult but we hope members will understand the difficult decision to reduce benefits was made so that the organization can holistically continue to support the field in the best ways possible.