NAEYC Publishes Book on Integrating the Learning Stories Approach

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For Immediate Release:
July 20, 2021
Media Contact:
Gill Walker
[email protected]
NAEYC Publishes Book on Integrating the Learning Stories Teaching & Assessment Approach
Washington, D.C.-- The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) announces the publication of Learning Stories and Teacher Inquiry Groups: Reimagining Teaching and Assessment in Early Childhood Education.
Learn how to integrate the Learning Stories approach and teacher inquiry groups to promote authentic assessment to inform instruction, and foster collegial team building and collaboration. The writing of Learning Stories integrated within the professional development process of teacher inquiry, documentation, and reflection offers a new model of professional support and a method for reaching out to children and families.
The Learning Stories approach is used primarily with children from birth through age 8, and educators in classrooms and programs, administrators, professional development specialists, instructional coaches, and teacher educators can benefit from this approach.
Within this book, you’ll find
- Extensive examples linking Learning Stories and teacher inquiry groups
- Key ideas, strategies, and reflection questions
- Information on how Learning Stories can supplement assessment tools such as QRIS, DRDP, and CLASS
- Resources and approaches for starting your own inquiry group
This valuable and constructive book provides an approach to professional development and assessment in education that will both excite and inform. Teacher inquiry is closely linked to Learning Stories, providing vivid opportunities for teachers to deepen their understanding of learning.
—Margaret Carr, Emeritus Professor, University of Waikato, and Wendy Lee, Director, Educational Leadership Project, Aotearoa, New Zealand
What a wonderful book! Learning Stories provide an innovative avenue for reclaiming the voices of teachers, children, and families. The power of Learning Stories is that they create a sensitive dialogue that enhances and sustains teachers’ relationships with all who care about the education of young children. This book will be a great addition to the NAEYC family of fine publications.
—Andrew Stremmel, Professor of Early Childhood Education, South Dakota University
About the authors:
Isauro M. Escamilla, MA, is an early childhood educator at the San Francisco Unified School District and a lecturer at San Francisco State University.
Linda R. Kroll, PhD, is professor emerita of education at the School of Education at Mills College, Oakland, CA.
Daniel R. Meier, PhD, is professor of elementary education at San Francisco State University. He is the coauthor most recently of Documentation and Inquiry in the Early Childhood Classroom: Research Stories from Urban Centers and Schools (Routledge, 2017).
Email [email protected] for author interview availability.
Learning Stories and Teacher Inquiry Groups: Reimagining Teaching and Assessment in Early Childhood Education is available for purchase in the NAEYC online store. For more information on this book and other resources, visit
NAEYC is the foremost professional membership organization committed to transforming the lives of young children and delivering on the promise of high-quality early learning. NAEYC represents 60,000 early childhood educators who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children, birth through age 8. Learn more about NAEYC at