NAEYC Commission on the Accreditation of Early Childhood Higher Education Programs

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The Commission's Role
The principal function of The NAEYC Commission on the Accreditation of Early Childhood Higher Education Programs is to exercise professional judgment in making accreditation decisions and setting policies and standards. The Commission also works with NAEYC staff to develop guidance documents and data gathering instruments necessary to carry out these functions.
The Commission consists of not fewer than eight members, who serve staggered three-year terms. One member is elected as chairperson. Commissioners bring a demonstrated commitment to the aims of early childhood teacher education at higher education institutions; an understanding of the nature of program accreditation systems, policy and procedures; and respect for the confidential, fair, and impartial nature of accreditation decisions. The Commission must include at least one public member who is not a member of the early childhood profession.
Current Commission Roster
- Tiffany Hunter, Commission Chair - Metropolitan Community College-Kansas City, MO
- Wei Qiu, Chair Elect - Weber State University, UT
- Michael Abel - University of Missouri Kansas City, MO
- Paige Bray - University of Hartford, CT
- Eric Bucher - Children’s Equity Project at Arizona State University, AZ
- Rebecca Brinks - Grand Rapids Community College, MI (retired faculty)
- Erin Donovan - Ivy Tech Community College, IN
- Jayme Hines - St. Bonaventure University, NY
- Elisa Huss-Hage - HOPE Toledo, OH
- Elsa Jones - Connecticut State Colleges and Universities and Connecticut Office of Early Childhood, CT
- Travis Morgan-Chavers - Athens State University, AL
- Carrie Nepstad - City Colleges of Chicago Harold Washington College, IL
- Cindy Shackelford - Jefferson State Community College, AL
- Lisa Stooksberry - Public Member
- R. Taylor - Chemeketa Community College, OR
- Mary Harrill, Ex Officio member - Senior Director of Higher Education, NAEYC
Applying to Serve on the Commission
The Commission is not currently seeking applications. When vacancies are available, this section will be updated with a call for applicants.
Commission Policies and Procedures
The Commission follows the policies and procedures outlined in the Commission Handbook.