To those serving young children and their families, thank you!

We know that being an educator is rewarding, but we also know that it takes a lot of knowledge, strength, patience, and so much more to do the amazing job you do. Thank you for working day in and day out in the field, facilitating intentional experiences, having quality interactions, and making a difference in all the lives you meet.
We want to make sure we follow our mission statement of advancing “a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.” That means YOU! NAEYC staff works tirelessly to highlight your work to a broader audience and provide resources to strengthen your practice. Here are just a few examples:
- We provide research-based, teacher-focused articles on children birth to age 8 in the Young Children journal and share practical tips and innovative ideas for preschool teachers in our Teaching Young Children magazine.
- We offer opportunities for professional development, such as online modules and webinars, that lead to improvements in the knowledge, skills, practices, and dispositions of early childhood professionals.
- We support the accreditation of programs by helping equip them with the tools to provide the best learning experiences for young children
- We provide the highest quality professional preparation of educators by meeting national standards of quality with higher education accreditation
- We provide position statements based on current evidence from research, theory, and practice to build understanding and support for significant, often controversial issues related to early childhood education.
- We continually survey the early childhood workforce to get qualitative and quantitative data to identify the needs of the field and work toward solutions.
- In partnership with early childhood educators across states and settings, we helped create the Unifying Framework for the Early Childhood Education Profession as a framework for a unified, cohesive, and equitable early childhood education profession informed.
As we reflect on how we show up for early childhood educators and demonstrate our appreciation this week and every other week, we know we must go beyond words. We show our appreciation for educators by advocating for change, such as:
- federal and state funding to reflect the true cost of quality, including professional compensation
- accessible pathways to and through degree and preparation programs
- support for educators and families to address the developmental, mental health, behavioral, and physical needs of children
We are encouraged by the show of support from the White House and so many state and federal policymakers who have celebrated and elevated Teacher Appreciation Week, Provider Appreciation Day, and Day Without Child Care this week. We’re ready to build on that momentum!
Last week, First Lady Dr. Jill Biden hosted a State Dinner at the White House for the National and State Teachers of the Year. Here is how she welcomed the evening’s guests of honor:
“Tonight, we celebrate you because teaching isn’t just a job. It’s a calling, and all of you were called to this profession for a reason. You believe that a better world is possible—and you make that world real, one student at a time. To answer the call of teaching is, in itself, an act of hope. You look at your students and don’t just see who they are today—you see all the possibility of tomorrow. You help them find the light within themselves, and that light lives on in all of you.”
We want you to know, this week and every week, that we see you, we value you, and we have your back. We hope you’ll join us, as a member, as an advocate, and in your community.
Thank you for all that you do, and happy #TeacherAppreciationWeek!