Selecting Gifts for the Young Children in Your Life

With the holidays quickly approaching, we’ve compiled some ideas on toys, play, and family learning that will come in handy when selecting gifts for the young children in your life.
Top 10 No Cost Toys for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers - A simple list of items for young children that will entertain your child at no cost!
Low Cost Learning Materials for Infants and Toddlers - Several collections of household items that will keep your child learning and exploring!
Selecting Apps to Support Children's Learning - Use these guidelines and ideas when selecting apps to download for young children! The Harvard Family Research Projects offers additional tips for selecting apps.
Why Do Babies Like Boxes Best? Many young children prefer a simple box and its wrapping to the gift on the inside. Learn more about why babies enjoy this type of play!
10 Prop Boxes Ideas - Mini Learning Centers at Home - Ideas for hands-on materials you can place in boxes in your home that children can use to explore, learn, and play!
Why This Toy? - Information from Dr. Toy about the value of toys and what to think about before selecting a toy for your child!
Georgi-Ann Clarke is the Digital Content Manager at NAEYC.