NAEYC Learning Lab: Annual Conference Sessions

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NAEYC Learning Lab: 2023 Annual Conference Edition
If you attended the conference, here’s an opportunity to see sessions you may have missed! And if you didn’t attend the conference, here’s a taste of what you missed, and a preview of what to expect at future meetings! NAEYC is providing online access to TEN sessions originally presented at our 2023 Annual Conference. These sessions have been specially curated to provide an engaging and exciting virtual learning experience.
As an IACET Accredited Provider, NAEYC is now offering IACET CEUs for its Learning Lab: 2023 Annual Conference Edition in compliance with the ANSI/IACET Continuing Education and Training Standard. Participants can earn 0.1 CEU upon completion of each training, or 1 CEU for completion of all ten trainings. Click here for FAQs.
Learn from individual sessions or get access to all ten at a discounted price! Don’t delay! This special offer is for a limited time only.
Session Pricing
• $40 each or $280 for 10 sessions (member)
• $55 each or $385 for 10 sessions (nonmember)
Sessions Offered
Challenging Behaviors: What to do when nothing else works
Presenter: Dr. William DeMeo
Topic Track: Guidance/Challenging Behaviors
Description: This session will provide early childhood professionals with the information and skills they need to cope with challenging behaviors; participants will be introduced to rationales, development, and implementation of the skills and techniques in working with challenging behaviors young children exhibit. Participants will learn how to implement these practical and effective strategies into their program to deal with the most challenging behaviors.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Time-out is out: Developing appropriate alternatives for assisting young children to develop self-control
Presenters: Dr. William DeMeo
Topic Track: Guidance/Challenging Behaviors
Description: This session will focus on providing participants with knowledge of effective and appropriate intervention strategies to assist young children in developing self-control and will focus on the latest research in the field of early childhood on best practices for helping young children develop self-control. Participants will learn how to implement these practical and effective strategies immediately into their program.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Find the joyful leader within: Uplifting others in early childhood
Presenters: Teresa Byington, Danielle Pertile, Geraldine Wynn, and Charmika Hansen
Topic Track: Leadership
Description: Joyful leaders uplift, guide, and inspire others. This session will explore why joy is an essential aspect of leadership. Participants will learn four ways to create caring connections, five tips to add joy to your environment, six ideas for uplifting others, and seven strategies to lighten your load.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Executive function in children: Designing classroom learning environments and experiences to improve attention, retention, and self-regulation
Presenters: Carrie Cutler
Topic Track: Social/Emotional Development
Description: Participants will learn practical and intentional ways to build children’s executive function skills by arranging the classroom environment, establishing routines, strengthening working memory, and supporting executive function through play. With your help, children will gradually manage more and more aspects of their day, and that makes life easier for everyone!
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Empowering early childhood educators: Developing leadership through coaching
Presenter: Laurie Zepezauer, Angela Morse, and Shawanda Jordan
Topic Track: Leadership
Description: The session will focus on coaching strategies that give teachers the autonomy to answer questions such as, “What do I want to happen?” And “How will I make it happen?” by supporting teachers in developing self-selected professional goals. Participants will learn the benefits of focusing on teacher strengths and autonomy while working diligently toward honoring and supporting the teaching profession through coaching.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Classroom assessment: Play, play, play
Presenter: Sarah Hackney and Janet Parks
Topic Track: Assessment of Young Children
Description: This session will demonstrate efficient ways to unite child-led play for developmental growth and teacher-directed activities needed for record-keeping. Participants will learn how to accomplish Individualized Education Program goals, gather authentic assessments, and teach learning standards while maintaining a focus on child-led play.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Managing and understanding big feelings and challenging behaviors in young children: Exploring the sensory, emotional, and social supports that work for all children
Presenters: Emma Cutler
Topic Track: Social/Emotional Development
Description: Schools nationwide are experiencing a rise in big feelings and challenging behaviors of students in the classroom. This session will offer examples of how to provide sensory, emotional, and social support to assist a student when they are feeling dysregulated. Participants will learn how support for children can be adjusted based on individual differences as not all individuals respond to the same strategies or support.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Outsmart the wiggles: Using big body play to improve self-regulation, self-control, and behavior
Presenter: Preston Blackburn
Topic Track: Play
Description: When kids wiggle, act distracted, and can’t control their bodies, it is hard for them to focus and learn. Participants will explore how movement in the form of big-body physical play helps kids sit still and attend. This session addresses, how, through play and physical activity, kids learn self-regulation and self-control as well as how to control their bodies so that when it is time to sit in school, in circle time, or transition smoothly they can.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Positive strategies to address the causes of challenging behavior in young children
Presenters: Aoife Magee
Topic Track: Guidance/Challenging Behaviors
Description: This session will examine the causes of challenging behavior in early childhood and positive guidance strategies that can be used to address them. Participants will explore behavior in the context of personal factors that cause behavioral challenges including developmental stages, temperament, unmet needs, and trauma or disability.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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"Please do not rescue me": How to empower children to be independent, self-reliant, and boost their self esteem
Presenters: Celina Aguilar and Aminta Russell
Topic Track: Social/Emotional Development
Description: The value of "Life Skills" is critical when raising and educating children. This session explores how the dynamics in many homes and classrooms have taken away opportunities for children to become effective problem-solvers and decision-makers. Participants will explore specific strategies on how adults make sure children feel seen, heard, accepted, loved, secure, and supported in developing a strong sense of self.
Price: $40 members/$55 nonmembers
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Purchase Entire Series!
Can’t decide on just one session? By purchasing this package, you will have access to all TEN specially curated sessions at a discounted rate.
Price: $280 members/$385 nonmembers
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