Education for a Civil Society: Teaching Young Children to Gain Five Democratic Life Skills, Second Edition

Dan Gartrell
About the Book
Democratic life skills are skills that enable all of us—children and adults alike—to be caring, thoughtful members of families, schools, communities, and societies. But these emotional and social skills don’t just happen. Teachers and families support and nudge young children toward them, using guidance techniques that calm and teach.
Completely updated and revised, the second edition of this classic resource provides relatable anecdotes and practical strategies for teachers to understand
Why building secure relationships with children and families is so important—and eight communication practices to build them
How viewing misbehavior as mistaken behavior allows you to focus on helping a child learn better ways to meet their needs
When and how to use specific guidance practices to promote children’s healthy personal development and social cooperation
How an encouraging learning community helps everyone move toward achieving their potential
Whether you’re a veteran teacher or just embarking on your teaching journey, you’ll find what you need in this book to provide young children with a solid foundation for their—and society’s—future.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
- Dedication
- Acknowledgments
- About the Author
- A Semi-Lively Introduction
- Chapter 1: Roots and Shoots: The Democratic Life Skills and Progressive Education
- Chapter 2: Teaching for Healthy Brain Development: Motivation, Guidance, and Developmentally Appropriate Practice for All
- Chapter 3: The Community of Relationships: Unmanageable Stress and the Centrality of Secure Relationships
- Chapter 4: The Substance Chapter: A Guide to Studying the Democratic Life Skills in Practice
- Chapter 5: The Foundational Skill: DLS 1: Finding a Place as a Member of the Group and as a Worthy Individual
- Chapter 6: The Pivotal Skill: Expressing Strong Emotions in Nonhurting Ways
- Chapter 7: The Learning Skill: Solving Problems Creatively—Independently and in Cooperation with Others
- Chapter 8: The Inclusion Skill: Accepting Unique Human Qualities in Others
- Chapter 9: The Democracy Skill: Thinking Intelligently and Ethically
- Chapter 10: Teachers and the Democratic Life Skills
- Appendix
- Glossary
- References
- Index
Book Details
Book Details
Product Code: 1165
ISBN: 978-1-952331-16-9
Publish Date: 2023
ISBN: 978-1-952331-16-9
Publish Date: 2023
Citation (in Chicago 17th ed. style):
Gartrell, D. 2023. Education for a Civil Society: Teaching Young Children to Gain Five Democratic Life Skills. 2nd ed. Washington, DC: NAEYC.
Related Resources
Related Resources
“How Can I Help You?” Reconsidering Behavior Management” - Authors Adam L. Holland and Kathryn A. Ohle discuss ways to promote children’s internal motivation. (Young Children, May 2020)
“Fostering Competence for Success: Encouraging Responsibility in Children” - This article by Marie L. Masterson shares strategies for building responsibility in children and promoting positive conversation and shared enjoyment. (Young Children, Spring 2021)
“Supporting Young Children After Crisis Events” - When children and families experience traumatic events, teachers can promote their recovery using the insights and recommendations provided in this article by David J. Schonfeld, Thomas Demaria, and Sairam A. Kumar. (Young Children, July 2020)
Dan Gartrell
Dan Gartrell, EdD, is a former Head Start teacher for the Red Lake Band of Ojibwe in northern Minnesota. During the 1970s, Dan completed his master’s degree at Bemidji State University in northern Minnesota,
where he was a CDA (Child Development Associate) credential adviser for the Child Development Training Program. Dan received his EdD from the University of North Dakota in 1977. For 40 years, Dan was director of the Child Development Training Program and professor of early childhood education at Bemidji State University. He is now a professor emeritus. To learn more, visit

Early childhood teachers and families have the most important job—helping mold the next generation of citizens. Through humor, research, and step-by-step guidance, this book provides the framework for supporting life skills to help us all live in a more perfect society.
—Karen Burger Cairone, Project Director, Education Development Center
Dan Gartrell introduces his book to readers as “. . . a child-friendly book for adults.” I like to call it child-sensitive, because he helps us develop meaningful relationships with children and not just manage their behaviors. He teaches us about democratic life skills thoroughly, informatively, and theoretically. This could not be more important today. As adults, we would well do with learning them too!
—Tamar Jacobson, Early Childhood Education Consultant and Retired Professor, Rider University
This book equips educators with the tools to cultivate democratic life skills in young children, families, and themselves. Grounded in research and real work with children, then wrapped up and delivered with humility and humor, this book empowers teachers to foster critical thinking, empathy, and active citizenship.
—Becky DelVecchio, Program Coordinator, Instructional Leadership, University of Massachusetts Boston
Dan Gartrell’s revised Education for a Civil Society provides authentic examples that help teachers connect to their practice. It is a guidebook that teacher candidates will reference well past graduation.
—Jayme Hines, Assistant Professor, Wilkes University