Experiencing Nature With Young Children: Awakening Delight, Curiosity, and a Sense of Stewardship

About the Book
There’s a whole world outdoors waiting to embrace young children—with their curiosity, imagination, and enthusiasm—and to impart its treasures. Experiencing Nature With Young Children invites you to explore this world with children from birth to age 8 in ways that will
- Awaken their enjoyment and appreciation of nature
- Nurture their emotional development
- Enhance their cognitive growth
- Spark their creativity
- Help them discover how we all—people, animals, plants—are connected
- Engage families and communities in preserving nature
Along the way, children will learn to love nature and its inhabitants. And in learning to love, they will learn to care—helping to ensure that our natural environment will be well looked-after by the next generation.
Part ballad to nature, part irresistible invitation to teachers, this book will awaken and renew your own joy in nature—and move you to experience it with young children.
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Book Details
ISBN: 978-1-938113-07-9
Publish Date: 2014
Alice Sterling Honig, PhD, is professor emerita of child development at Syracuse University, where for 36 years she directed the annual National Quality Infant/Toddler Caregiving Workshop. She received the university’s highest honor, the Chancellor’s Citation for Exceptional Academic Achievement. Dr. Honig has published 600 articles and book chapters, more than two dozen books, and several videos for parents and caregivers.

This book is a delight, providing thoughtful insights and numerous practical ideas for nurturing young children’s involvement with nature. It beautifully integrates concepts about nature into all aspects of children’s lives.
—Eva L. Essa, Foundation Professor Emerita, University of Nevada, Reno
The current educational focus on benchmarks has created learning environments that often sideline exploration and imaginative play. Honig not only reminds us of our responsibility to connect children with nature but also gives us a fabulous guidebook of easy ideas for outdoor experiences that will benefit all children.
—Jennifer Caravello, Language Arts Teacher, Fayette County Public Schools, Lexington, Kentucky
Honig provides practical ideas that are appealing, accessible, and multisensory. While supporting the teaching of a love of nature to promote compassionate, ecologically minded citizens, she also shows us how experiences with nature can be the most valuable and rich learning opportunities in young children’s lives.
—Elise Hansen, Preschool Director, Schlitz Audubon Nature Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin