Message in a Backpack™ Learning and Playing With Rubber Ducks

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In our classroom, we use rubber ducks to count, tell stories, draw pictures, and more. Here are some ways you can use rubber ducks to encourage learning at home.
Tell a story.
Ask your child to tell a story about a rubber duck. Ask questions like, What is the duck’s name? What sort of adventures could this duck have?
What floats? What sinks?
Explore how rubber ducks behave in water. What happens to ducks when they are filled with water? How can your child make a rubber duck sink?
Create an obstacle course.
Line up rows of rubber ducks or other materials you have at home. You and your child can take turns running, jumping, and twirling through the obstacle course.
Stamp with rubber ducks.
Dip the bottom of the rubber duck into paint and stamp away on a piece of paper.
Let your child decide!
Have your child choose a duck and an activity. Watch your child’s imagination soar while planning ways to play with the new friend.
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