Message in a Backpack™ Learning through Everyday Activities

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Explore the wonder of learning with your children anytime, anywhere! As your children head back to school, do these simple everyday activities together to reinforce their learning.
At mealtimes
Have fun with food words while you eat. For example, if you serve potatoes, chicken, and peas for dinner, talk about which of the foods begin with the same /p/ sound. Look for other items on the table that begin with /p/ sounds, like plate or pepper. You can also take turns coming up with words that rhyme with something you or your child is eating. For example, cheese rhymes with peas.
In the kitchen
Create new recipes or follow favorite ones with your child. Count ingredients together. You can count the number of apples for a pie or the number of carrots to add to a stew. Show your child the recipe so he can see what a written recipe looks like.
At the grocery store
Look for letters everywhere—on food labels, signs in the store, and magazines on the racks at checkout. Give your child a packaged food item, like a box of cereal. Point out different letters (start with the first letter in your child’s name) on the food item and ask your child to find more of those letters on other foods in the store.
On a walk around the neighborhood
Hunt for shapes with your child by looking for them in your community. You can find rectangles in buildings (windows and bricks), circles in cars (wheels), and triangles in signs (yield signs). Take pictures and create a shape book at home.
At the playground
Build your child’s position vocabulary by talking with her about what she’s doing—going up and down a slide, crawling across a bridge, standing under a tree, or sitting on a bench.
Find more everyday learning tips on the Play & Learn app from PBS KIDS.
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