Message from Michelle

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Dear colleagues,
As the mother of three boys, I know well that each child has unique strengths, abilities, and approaches to learning. I also deeply understand and appreciate the impact that caring, dedicated, and knowledgeable educators, like you, have on each child and family.
I learned this early in my parenting journey. When my oldest was a toddler, he displayed some unusual gifts related to word repetition. In preschool, his teacher noticed that he happily played beside other children, but he did not want to play with them. This experienced teacher shared observations that helped us better understand how to support our son. Based on a range of information, we learned more about him as an individual living with autism, and we were able to access services that have supported his development and learning since.
Considering individuality—the unique qualities of my son—was an essential part of this educator’s practice. It’s a core element of developmentally appropriate practice too. By getting to know each learner’s unique qualities, interests, and strengths, educators form the foundations for belonging and foster learning and development for every child in partnership with families.
We at NAEYC see and value your efforts to support each child’s strengths and qualities in your daily planning and teaching to create high-quality learning experiences and environments. I hope this issue of TYC both validates and offers new insights into your work as you engage in developmentally appropriate practice for all children and families.
In gratitude,
Michelle Kang
Chief Executive Officer
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Michelle Kang serves as NAEYC’s Chief Executive Officer.