Literacy Practices for Preschool
Literacy Practices for Preschool
Winter 2024

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Vol. 17, No. 2
Literacy development begins at birth, and the early years that follow are key for later learning and success. This issue of Teaching Young Children aims to complement and expand the literacy practices you already engage in, like interactive read alouds. Read about ways to plan and use your learning environment and materials to spur literacy and language learning while including children’s cultures, opportunities to play, and intentionally integrated direct instruction.
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Leslie La Croix, Kimberly Sanders Austin, Christine Pegorraro Schull, Sara E. Miller, Julie K. Kidd
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Deborah Farmer Kris
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Stacy Simonyi, Margaret Gerowe
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Suzanne Metcalf, Rebecca Chrystal, Michelle Sioson Hyman
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Anne Gritt, Kalie Standish
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Mary K. Requa, Jill Yochim
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Shelly L. Counsell, Mary J. Palmer, Felicia G. Peat