Voices of Practitioners, Fall 2021, Volume 16

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This volume marks Voices of Practitioners' 17th year as an online journal.
For the past year, early childhood educators have been bombarded by overlapping crises: the pandemic, a renewed national recognition of persistent racial inequities, economic hardships, deep political divisions, and environmental degradation that is reaching a tipping point. These crises have demanded that those educating and caring for young children adapt in unprecedented ways. In this collection, we invited practitioners to reflect on what they are learning while educating young children during these crises.
Explore This Issue
Barbara Henderson and Ben Mardell
Becoming a Teacher: What I Learned about Myself During the Pandemic
Alyssa Smith
Walking to Joy: Using Our Values as Our Map
Kim Lee Ripley
Learning Joy and Resilience Through Kindergartners
Larissa Hsia-Wong
Michelle Palacios
Relationships at the Heart: Maintaining and Building Strong Connections with Children and Families during the Pandemic
Natacha Shillingford
What Happens If I Touch this Button? Giving the Silenced a Voice
Garnett Booker
Covid Lessons: What I Learned During the Pandemic and How it Impacted My Leadership Practice
Allison Guerra
Leading Through Inquiry
Megina Baker, Stephanie Cox Suárez, Brenda Acero, Peggy Martalock, Denise Nelson, Jenny Hanseul Park, Annalisa Hawkinson Ritchie, Natacha Shillingford
But Can I Trust You? Embracing Different Perspectives
Teresa Draguicevich
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