Social Studies: From a Sense of Self to a Sense of the World
Social Studies: From a Sense of Self to a Sense of the World
July 2015

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Vol. 70, No. 3
Young Children is NAEYC's award-winning, peer-reviewed journal focused on educating children from birth through third grade.
In the July 2015 issue of Young Children—Social Studies: From a Sense of Self to a Sense of the World—read about addressing social and emotional learning in the social studies curriculum, helping children develop a sense of place through geographic experiences, using inquiry to explore music and movement, and more.
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Pamela Brillante, Sue Mankiw
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Meagan K. Shedd, Rebecca L. Coyner
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Linda Groves Gillespie
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Pamela Brillante, Sue Mankiw
Audience: Teacher