Guidance and Challenging Behaviors

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a group of professionals discussing something
Young Children
December 1, 2021

Tearing Down Silos: A Model for Interagency Collaboration

This article shares a collaborative approach that two counties in Pennsylvania have taken to tear down the silos and instead promptly and effectively support early learning programs and staff and the children and families they serve.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Alison Mellott
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two teachers looking at a childs art project
Teaching Young Children
July 1, 2021

Message in a Backpack™ Guiding Your Child’s Behavior

Challenging behaviors often happen when children feel they don’t have another way to express their feelings or another way to get what they need. Here's how to stay calm, patient, and consistent as you help your child understand your expectations.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Keri Giordano
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a teacher talking to a group of children
Teaching Young Children
July 1, 2021

Instead of Discipline, Use Guidance

Using guidance instead of discipline means helping young children understand they can learn from their mistakes, and it starts with showing them how to do so.

Authored by

Authored by: 
​Dan Gartrell
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The cover for the publication, Teaching Young Children, Summer 2021.
Teaching Young Children
Vol. 14, No. 4
July 1, 2021

Summer 2021

Empowering Educators & Programs: A Blueprint for Excellence
Teaching Young Children is NAEYC's magazine for anyone who works with preschoolers. Colorful, informative, and easy-to-read, TYC is packed full of teaching ideas, strategies, and tips.
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A young child reading a book.
June 10, 2021

A Road Forward: Five Democratic Life Skills for a Civil Society

Five democratic life skills provide a model for the holistic education and development of children, guiding them along a continuum from showing resilience in the face of trauma to demonstrating intelligent decision-making as members of society.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Dan Gartrell
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a parent clapping with a happy child
Young Children
March 1, 2021

Becoming a Better Behavior Detective: Applying a Developmental and Contextual Lens on Behavior to Promote Social and Emotional Development

Sharpening our “behavior detective” skills requires us to use reflective practices to apply our knowledge of development in service of understanding the individual infant or toddler.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Claire D. Vallotton, Jennifer A. Mortensen, Melissa M. Burnham, Kalli B. Decker, Marjorie Beeghly
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Two young children explore and play with musical instruments
Young Children
July 1, 2015

Rocking and Rolling—It Takes Two: The Role of Co-Regulation in Building Self-Regulation Skillsالتناغم والتآزر - يد واحدة لا تص فِّق: دور التنظيم المشترك في بناء مهارات التنظيم الذاتي عند الطفل

عندما يعاني الأطفال من التنظيم الذاتي ، يصعب عليهم الجلوس والتركيز والمشاركة في أنشطة التعلم.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Linda Groves Gillespie
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mother and two young girls doing yoga in the living room
Teaching Young Children
September 16, 2020

Message in a Backpack™ Helping Your Child through Change

We gathered insights from individuals with various perspectives and roles in early childhood. Here, you will read excerpts of what some of them would share with families about supporting children during this period of rapid change.
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A classroom with mothers and children clapping in a circle
Teaching Young Children
September 16, 2020

Supporting Anxious Children in the Preschool Classroom

The three de-escalation activities detailed here can be useful in targeting anxiety—two are used for de-escalating children’s anxious behaviors, and the third assists children in identifying the cause of their anxiety and in developing coping skills.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Sierra L. Brown, Allison McCobin, Stephanie Easley, Kara E. McGoey
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Cover of the October/November issue of TYC featuring teaching in a classroom with two children.
Teaching Young Children
Vol. 14, No. 1
September 16, 2020

October/November 2020

Partnering with Families, Helping Children through Change
TYC October/November 2020 issue
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