Mi misión personal es una de empoderar a los educadores de la primera infancia y animar su participación en la abogacía, la formación de políticas y la investigación.
The first public draft of NAEYC's "Advancing Equity and Diversity in Early Childhood Education" position statement was developed with the input of the DAP& Diversity and Equity workgroup.
This guide, grounded in current research and based on the experiences of the authors as well as directors from across the country, blends theory with practical tips you can implement immediately.
This blog post was originally published on New America's website on January 23, 2018, and is part of Moving Beyond False Choices for Early Childhood Educators, a series edited by Stacie G. Goffin.
NAEYC will award four Lasting Legacy Scholarships to emerging leaders. These awards provide conference registration and funds for travel, hotel and meals..
NAEYC is working hard to advance early childhood education as a more diverse and dynamic profession. Here are some ways you can get involved to help us increase diverse, young professional voices in ECE!