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Young girl smiling
Ramps & Pathways: A Constructivist Approach to Physics With Young Children
January 1, 2010

Ramps & Pathways: A Constructivist Approach to Physics With Young Children

If you think the words young children and physics don’t belong together, think again. Based on the theories of Piaget and the work of DeVries and Sales, this book successfully makes the case for building a constructivist approach to physical science learn

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Authored by: 
Christina Sales, Rheta DeVries
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Young girl holding parent's hands outside
March 7, 2017

Encouraging Your Child to Lead

Here are some ways you can give your child opportunities to grow as a leader.

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Authored by: 
Andrea Laser
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Group of children posing outside
August 18, 2015

To Prevent Bullying, Focus on Early Childhood

How do we prevent bullying? Despite decades of study and numerous programs claiming to be the solution to bullying, few programs have actually been shown to be effective

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Authored by: 
Deborah Temkin, Kyle Snow
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A diverse group of preschool-aged children posing together outside
February 27, 2017

The Role Of Relationships in Children's Use Of Technology

In this current conversation about media, technology and children’s learning, the focus has been on the importance of human interaction in relation to children’s media and technology use.

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Authored by: 
Jeremy Boyle
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Mother and toddler song talking and pointing to a book

Talk It Up!

Families can foster children’s vocabulary through conversations, reading aloud, and singing. Try these vocabulary-building ideas at home.
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