There are lots of activities that can increase muscle strength and coordination, preparing children for more advanced skills, from writing with a pencil, using a computer mouse, or playing a musical instrument.
Most families with young children welcome outdoor fun and sunny days! But before your family takes off for the parks and playgrounds, here are some sun safety tips.
Children need to move their bodies and eat healthy foods. Families can promote healthy habits by encouraging children to eat nutritious foods and get some exercise every day. Here are some suggestions.
We left with a much richer understanding of the foods in the region, a great set of recipes to recreate back in the states, and a role model in Lily for finding ways to engage children’s interests.
How old did Henry have to be before I could share my love of food? Could I share this passion with him while his food consisted of pureed vegetables or bite-sized finger foods?
Motor development is a constant learning process. A child’s body is continuously growing and changing, and his environment offers different opportunities for movement.
Authored by
Authored by:
Sandra Petersen, Emily J. Adams, Linda Groves Gillespie
It is time for families, teachers, child care providers, schools, and communities to embrace health and wellness as an important factor in the early childhood experience.
Fireproof Children, with the BIC Corporation and other experts, developed the play safe! be safe! preschool program. It focuses on keeping preschoolers safe in a fire and preventing fire play.