إن الممارسة الصارمة وتلك الملائمة من الناحية التنموية، تعتبران ضروريتين للتعليم بمرحلة الطفولة المبكرة؛ وإذا ما تم القيام بهما على نحو سليم، فإن كل منهما سوف يعزز الآخر
In this article, we describe the transformation of 17 kindergarten classrooms from didactic experiences for children to rigorous and developmentally appropriate student-centered learning environments.
Adults working with infants and toddlers sometimes shy away from thinking of themselves as teachers because they worry the name is associated with more structured and adult-led activities than babies are ready for.
Why is a large vocabulary important for children? Because it’s linked to their reading and school success. Try these vocabulary-building ideas at home.
Preschool teachers can build on what children already know and respond to their interests to introduce and reinforce new words. Here are some things you can do to help preschoolers build their vocabularies.
Preschool teachers can build on what children already know and respond to their interests to introduce and reinforce new words. Here are some things you can do to help preschoolers build their vocabularies.