Child development and pediatrics experts agree that even short spurts of creative time greatly impact social, cognitive, and emotional development of children in their earliest formal years and create long-lasting memories.
Family friendly live performances are a wonderful introduction for your child into the world of performing arts. Here are some tips to help children prepare for visits to performance venues.
Teachers can foster diverse skills and abilities in early childhood classrooms. Read how Ms. Charlotte Brown affected the students and parents in her program
Just as infants and toddlers need experience crawling or scooting to learn to walk and babbling and crying to learn to talk, they need to practice using their hands to control art supplies and practice using their minds to figure out how art supplies work
To honor their interests, support their learning, and connect with their culture, a preschool teacher decided to incorporate aspects of hip-hop culture into the curriculum.
This article gives an example of an arts infusion lesson that embraces creativity, describes the process of implementing the lesson and the resulting understanding demonstrated by the students.
Misconceptions about museums—too formal, boring— prevent many early childhood educators from accessing the diverse and unique resources museums can provide.
Children—informed by experiences in their homes, communities, and society as a whole—bring their own ideas about gender-appropriate materials and activities to the classroom.
Eco-art is an interesting blend of science, engineering, math, and temporary, open-ended, creative art. Here are some eco-art activities you can use in your preschool classroom.
Eco-art is an interesting blend of science, engineering, math, and temporary, open-ended, creative art. Here are some eco-art activities you can use in your preschool classroom.
Is your goal to encourage children’s creativity through developmentally appropriate art experiences? Review the differences between process- and product-focused art to help you get started.