All Infant/Toddler Content

Young girl smiling
Mother and daughter in a classroom smiling

Celebrate Your Child’s Multilingualism!

As a parent of a child learning two or more languages, you can help sustain your child’s ability and interest in using all the languages they hear by being enthusiastic and playful about multilingualism. Here are some suggestions.
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Parents working with their son.

Building a Partnership with Your Child’s Teacher

Research shows that children thrive when their families are involved in their care and education. Here are some ways you can collaborate with your child’s teacher to create and maintain a great relationship.
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A mother interacting with her son.

Ideas to Spark Rich Conversations with Your Children!

As the parent of a young child, you know that children are curious and eager to learn. To help you make the most of those moments—and to inspire even more of them—we offer several easy strategies for sparking rich conversations.
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Children gathered on the play mate.
Young Children
September 1, 2019

The Reading Chair: September 2019

New children’s books too good to miss­ and one forever favorite.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Isabel Baker, Miriam Baker Schiffer
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YC September 2019 Cover
Young Children
Vol. 74, No. 4
September 1, 2019

September 2019

Building the Profession: Ensuring Practice Informs Policy
YC September 2019 Issue
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Cover of This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers
January 1, 2019

This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers

With its spot-on ideas and suggestions, delightful anecdotes, and engaging photos, you’ll gain a new appreciation for infants’ and toddlers’ competence and curiosity and how important your role is in the birth-to-3 adventure.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Julia Luckenbill, Aarti Subramaniam, Janet Thompson
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Children Reading Together

Children's Books about Families

A family unit supports children in countless ways, including easing their transitions, helping them learn about the other boys and girls in the class, and strengthening their self-awareness.
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Father playing with their child
Teaching Young Children
August 1, 2019

Building Relationships: The Key to Engaging Fathers

By better understanding the ways fathers think about their parenting, early childhood educators can offer more support for the fathers of children in their programs.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Lindsey L. Wilson, Holly S. Schindler
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Four young professionals are looking at a computer screen.
March 20, 2016

(20 DAP Checklist Questions for Teachers) عشرون سؤالاً للمعلمات: قائمة متعلقة بالممارسات الملائمة نمائياً

مقتبسة بتصرف من كتابات هيثر بيغر توملنسون على شبكة الانترنت. وقد شاركت الكاتبة في كتابة مقالة بعنوان الممارسة الملائمة نمائيا: التركيز على العاملين في مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة 

Authored by

Authored by: 
Georgi-Ann Clarke
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Preschool storytime
Young Children
July 1, 2019

The Reading Chair: July 2019

New children’s books too good to miss and one forever favorite.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Isabel Baker, Miriam Baker Schiffer
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Teacher reading a children's book to three toddlers
Young Children
July 1, 2019

Rocking and Rolling. Reading with Babies Matters!

For years, researchers have shown that reading to infants is good for their language and cognitive development and is important for building children’s vocabulary and prereading skills.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Linda Groves Gillespie
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Children playing with shapes
Young Children
July 1, 2019

Intentional and Supportive: Appropriate Uses of Early Assessments

The articles in this cluster offer detailed information on ways teachers can observe and document children’s learning across developmental domains and then use that documentation to plan instruction.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Lisa Hansel
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YC July 2019 Cover
Young Children
Vol. 74, No. 3
July 1, 2019

July 2019

Intentional & Supportive: Appropriate Uses of Early Assessments
YC July 2019 Issue
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