Play is essential to child development. When principals and other instructional leaders are able to see what learning through play looks like in a classroom, they are better equipped to help teachers promote developmentally-informed practices.
These are many factors that contribute to poor academic and life outcomes, according to a newly published report by the Child Trends Hispanic Institute.
How old did Henry have to be before I could share my love of food? Could I share this passion with him while his food consisted of pureed vegetables or bite-sized finger foods?
There’s a lot children can get out of exploring something they’re interested in. Here are just a few of the things we do together. Although the central focus may be trucks, there’s lots of variety.
No one can predict what habits and interests will stick with a child. But if you never offer up the opportunities, the odds will always remain at zero.
Just as infants and toddlers need experience crawling or scooting to learn to walk and babbling and crying to learn to talk, they need to practice using their hands to control art supplies and practice using their minds to figure out how art supplies work
As Walter Drew and Marcia Nell say, “Memories of joyful and meaningful play experiences help bind families together emotionally, even long after children are grown.”