All Preschool Content

Young girl smiling
Young girl playing on rock outside
June 19, 2017

Forget the Playroom...Take Them Outside!

There are so many reasons you should consider more outdoor play time with your child, and here are a few.

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Authored by: 
Toni Denese Sturdivant
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Teacher with student to encourage learning
May 25, 2017

Five Ideas to Encourage Learning This Summer

School may be out for the summer, but there are still lots of opportunities for young children to play and learn!

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Authored by: 
Georgi-Ann Clarke
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Young boy playing with plastic cubes
October 27, 2017

Delighting in My Child’s Interests: Trucks!

There’s a lot children can get out of exploring something they’re interested in. Here are just a few of the things we do together. Although the central focus may be trucks, there’s lots of variety.

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Authored by: 
Sarah Erdman
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Teacher smiling with 3 young children playing blocks
May 3, 2015

Spread the Love (of Books)!

No one can predict what habits and interests will stick with a child. But if you never offer up the opportunities, the odds will always remain at zero.

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Authored by: 
Mabel Yu
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Father and daughter laughing
March 27, 2016

The Not-So-Magic Word

Words matter, but so does what’s behind the words. Let’s take away the magic of “the magic word,” and start teaching kids politeness.

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Authored by: 
Jarrod Green
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Young girl in the classroom.
October 20, 2016

Time Goes By So Fast: Play Makes Meaningful Memories

As Walter Drew and Marcia Nell say, “Memories of joyful and meaningful play experiences help bind families together emotionally, even long after children are grown.”

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Authored by: 
Susan Friedman
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Professional Development

Gain professional learning experiences to support your professional advancement, wherever you are in your early childhood education career.
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Father feeding his toddler daughter.
February 19, 2017

Let’s Eat (Well)!

I'm happy to report that these days, I've shed the sloppy-joe-greasy-green-bean guise for a healthier one. What would your children say?

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Authored by: 
Mabel Yu
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Mother playing with blocks with her young child.
February 3, 2017

6 Words You Should Say Today

And if I’ve learned anything on my Hands Free journey, it is that children are the true experts when it comes to grasping what really matters in life.

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Authored by: 
Rachel Macy Stafford
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Mother and daughter walking together
August 1, 2018

A Few Thoughts on Separation Anxiety

Preparing children can help them with saying goodbye. Here are some suggestions to ease your child’s anxiety.

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Authored by: 
Meir Muller
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