In the field of early childhood education, we certainly understand that young children think differently than adults. Their level of cognitive development means they are not just small grownups - they are unique and fascinating learners.
October has been designated Bullying Prevention Awareness Month by the PACER Center (Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights) since 2006. The movement has grown to include federal efforts highlighted on
So last year, Cambridgeport became ‘the school that doesn’t give homework' yet I heard repeatedly from students, teachers, and parents about the significant, meaningful work they are doing at home
TYC contributors Louis Mark Romei, Holly Seplocha, and Laura Colker answered the question: "What's your advice for a new preschool teacher?" as part of a Q&A on Back to School Strategies. Together they shared 10 tips
Explore issues of Program News, the monthly email newsletter with resources, information, and new ideas for accredited programs and those currently seeking accreditation.
NAEYC establishes and maintains a clearly defined process for pursuing, achieving, and maintaining NAEYC Accreditation. Learn more about the Early Learning Program Accreditation Policies.