Message from TYC Editorial Team

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How can preschool educators support all children and families, so they reach their potential? What does advancing equity in preschool look and sound like?
This issue of Teaching Young Children offers practical strategies to help answer these questions. Read about encouraging children’s home languages and integrating families’ funds of knowledge. Find ideas for individualizing experiences for children with different physical abilities, for supporting gender diversity and expression, and for engaging in difficult conversations with families. Delve into two educators’ reflections on moments that changed how they think about equitable practices.
Advancing equity in preschool depends on intentionality and reflection. We hope this issue illuminates developmentally, culturally, and linguistically appropriate practices that you can apply in your own contexts.
Reflection Questions for This Issue
- What is your current thinking about equity in preschool settings?
- How do the articles in this issue align with and challenge your current thinking?
- Based on what you read, what is one strategy you could apply in your setting?
- This issue also includes a piece about addressing challenging behavior and social conflicts. What is one new way you could foster children’s self-regulation and language skills during classroom interactions?
We encourage you to share your voice with us! Submit an article (, nominate yourself or a colleague to be a Feature Teacher (, or provide feedback to us about TYC ([email protected]).