DAP: Conclusion

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Since the release of Minimum Essentials for Nursery Education in 1929 (shortly after the founding of NAEYC’s predecessor organization), this association has connected practice, policy, and research as it has worked toward the goal of improving the quality of early childhood education services for young children. While many of the recommendations have changed considerably over the years, the primary focus remains the same: NAEYC emphasizes the importance of the relationships between children and well-prepared early childhood educators who understand and can effectively support all domains of child development and learning as they nurture and strengthen connections with the child’s family and community. We continue to refine the ways in which we describe how developmentally appropriate practices can recognize and support the diversity and complexity of human development and promote more equitable learning opportunities for each and every young child. Over time, with more research and evidence based on practice, further refinements will be made to this statement. What will not change is the overarching goal of ensuring that all young children have equitable access to developmentally appropriate, high-quality early learning.