Message from Michelle

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Dear colleagues,
Decades of research highlight how essential it is for children to develop healthy habits. I am proud of how intentionally you embrace practices that foster children’s health and nutrition. Every day and over time, you ensure children have ample, engaging experiences that encourage healthy choices. You challenge yourself to integrate wellness across the curriculum. You offer young children opportunities to participate in embodied learning, explore mindfulness, and exercise agency in their learning.
It may not always be easy to create and maintain these learning conditions. Toward that end, you’ll find ideas and supports in this issue of TYC to continue nurturing children’s well-being and safety. You can also tap into essential NAEYC books like Healthy Young Children, NAEYC events like the 2023 Week of the Young Child™, and the resources on our website and social media accounts to help you in this critical work. We are here for you!
As you read this issue, I hope you feel energized by its articles and the opportunity to integrate them into your own learning communities. May you find exciting ideas to create meaningful experiences for children to move their bodies, eat nutritious foods, and play and learn in healthy environments. I look forward to continuing to see these practices lived out as I visit early learning programs across the country, and I encourage you to share moments you are particularly proud of directly with us on social media.
In gratitude,
Michelle Kang
Chief Executive Officer
Michelle Kang serves as NAEYC’s Chief Executive Officer.