Healthy Growth in Preschool
Healthy Growth in Preschool
Spring 2023

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Vol. 16, No. 3
Decades of research highlight how essential it is for children to develop healthy habits. This issue of Teaching Young Children will help you in your daily work to intentionally embrace practices that foster children’s health and nutrition. You'll find exciting and practical ideas to create meaningful experiences for children to move their bodies, eat nutritious foods, and play and learn in healthy environments—ideas that are tuned into NAEYC’s “Early Learning Program Accreditation Standards” too.
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Amy August, Maria Fusaro, Andrea Golloher, Emily Slusser, Jihyun Lee, Julie Sliva Spitzer
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Amanda Steiner, Anne Karabon, Leah Litz
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Abbey Alkon, Timothy R. Shope
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Monica Griffin
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Katherine E.L. Norris