Playful and Engaging Arts Integration
Playful and Engaging Arts Integration
Winter 2023

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Vol. 16, No. 2
The arts have an essential place in preschool education. The developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) framework recognizes the arts, which include art, music, theater, and dance, as part of a comprehensive curriculum.
No matter your own skills in the arts, this issue of Teaching Young Children has ideas for you. You’ll learn about “process art”, ways to integrate art into other content areas, using music in your setting, and more!
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Loretta Fernando-Smith
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Loretta Fernando-Smith
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Barbara Wilder-Smith, Deborah J. Leong, Elena Bodrova
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Mary Ellen Bardsley, Tracy Galuski
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Anne Gritt, Kalie Standish
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Mimi Brodsky Chenfeld
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Alissa A. Lange, Emma Atkins, Qiuju “Daisy” Tian, Kathy Bullen, Lynn Lodien