Leadership: Supporting a New Generation of Early Childhood Professionals
Leadership: Supporting a New Generation of Early Childhood Professionals
May 2015

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Vol. 70, No. 2
Young Children is NAEYC's award-winning, peer-reviewed journal focused on educating children from birth through third grade.
In the May 2015 issue of Young Children—Leadership: Supporting a New Generation of Early Childhood Professionals—you will read about 10 emerging leaders in the early childhood profession, understanding leadership development for a changing early childhood development landscape, building anti-bias early childhood programs, and more.
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Paula Jorde Bloom, Michael B. Abel
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Karen Nemeth, Pamela Brillante
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Louise Derman-Sparks, Debbie LeeKeenan, John Nimmo
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Keith W. Allred, Christine L. Hancock
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Larry Prochner, Ailie Cleghorn, Jennifer Drefs
Audience: Teacher