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The Council will appoint four new members (terms are three years) through the 2022 application process, opening on March 1 and closing at 5:00 PM ET on April 5.
To serve on the Council, applicants must have:
- Current NAEYC membership
- A solid understanding of the NAEYC Affiliate structure
- The ability to participate in monthly virtual meetings, ad hoc work groups, and up to three in-person meetings each year
- A demonstrated commitment to NAEYC’s Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education position statement and NAEYC’s statement of commitment as a high-performing, inclusive organization
All applications must be submitted online by 5:00 PM ET on April 5, 2022.
Current Council members shared why they applied:
I applied in an effort to bring forward the K–3 voice. As a kindergarten teacher, I saw how the PK–K transition was critical, yet knew how some teachers of Grades 1–3 did not see themselves as early childhood educators. — Brian Kingrey, Iowa
I’m very proud of the Council’s engagement with issues of equity and diversity. We’ve worked together to bring often marginalized voices to the center, and we are excited to watch our Affiliates do the same. — Chris Amirault, Oklahoma
I was seeking opportunities as a Latino woman from the Spanish-speaking community to share my perspectives and to seek how I can contribute to advance equity and social justice issues in the early childhood profession and related services in NAEYC. — Margarita Marichal, Puerto Rico
It is important for me to be of service. I see the need to advance the awareness, appreciation, and inclusion of all members of our NAEYC community and to expand the participation of all in our early childhood field. The Council is one way to do just that. — Cary Larson-McKay, California
Read more about the Council and its members and accomplishments in the Affiliate Advisory Council’s 2020 annual report by visiting
Contact the Council at [email protected].