Board Position Descriptions

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Governing Board President-Elect
(includes service as President and Past-President)
NAEYC’s vision: All young children thrive and learn in a society dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential.
NAEYC’s mission: NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. For more information about the association, please see our Strategic Direction.
The NAEYC President-Elect is elected by the NAEYC membership to serve one year as President-Elect prior to assuming the presidency of NAEYC. The President serves as chairperson of the Governing Board and of the Executive Committee. The President has general oversight of the administration and activities of the association and ensures that the Board supports the work of NAEYC by providing mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by NAEYC’s CEO, the President-CEO relationship is a close working partnership. Specific responsibilities include:
Leadership, governance, and oversight
- Serving as a trusted advisor to the CEO as she implements NAEYC’s strategic plan
- Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by NAEYC for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics
- Planning, presiding over, and facilitating all Board and Executive Committee meetings, as well as the annual member meeting; partnering with the CEO to ensure that Board resolutions are carried out
- Making all committee appointments for Board approval
- As a Board member, approving NAEYC’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
- Coordinating the annual performance evaluation of the CEO
- Assisting in identifying and recruiting potential Board members
- Making all appointments to committees, advisory groups, and special assignments for Board approval
- Periodically consulting with Board members on their roles and helping them assess their performance
- Representing NAEYC to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
- Ensuring NAEYC’s commitment to a diverse Board and staff that reflects the communities NAEYC serves
The President-Elect is responsible for preparing for his or her term as President and fulfilling specific responsibilities as requested by the President. The Past President assists the President in making a smooth transition and fulfilling specific responsibilities as requested.
Individuals elected to serve as NAEYC’s President-Elect, President, and Past President will consider NAEYC a philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that priority. So that NAEYC can credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, NAEYC seeks to have 100 percent of Board members make an annual contribution; the amount is determined by each individual. The President will work to ensure that all Board members meet this expectation.
Board terms/time commitments
The President-Elect assumes a 1-year term of office that begins June 1 following his or her election by the membership. This year serves as a time to learn about the responsibilities of the presidency. A 2-year term as NAEYC President follows. After serving as President, the elected individual serves 1 additional year on the Board as Past President for a total commitment of 4 years. The President is the chairperson of the Executive Committee that also includes the President-Elect or Past President, depending on which seat is occupied, the Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Executive Committee meetings occur between Board meetings and as needed.
The President and CEO meet regularly via conference call; the President-Elect and Past President may be invited to join these calls as necessary. The full Board typically holds in-depth meetings (2 to 3 days in length, not including travel) three times a year—in January, April, and July. The Board also meets briefly at the NAEYC Annual Conference each fall, and conference calls may occur throughout the year. Board members receive detailed agenda materials to review prior to each meeting. Newly elected members also attend an orientation at NAEYC Headquarters and are invited to attend the April Board meeting as observers prior to their taking office. The President is an ex officio member of all Board committees; committees conduct business by e-mail, conference call, or face-to-face meetings (typically in conjunction with Board meetings). Travel and other expenses associated with Board service are covered by NAEYC; reimbursement for dependent care costs or substitute teachers is also available according to Board-determined policy.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about NAEYC’s mission and who has a significant track record of effective governance and leadership experience. Candidates for President-Elect are selected based on their demonstrated:
(a) Effective provision of vision and leadership required to guide the Board in positioning the association for the future;
(b) Breadth of knowledge and experience needed to lead the Governing Board in making responsible, mission-driven decisions regarding the association’s policies and allocation of resources to meet its goals and priorities;
(c) Ability to serve as sounding board and advisor to the CEO—and confer with the Executive Committee—regarding the implementation of policies and decisions authorized by the Board and in the planning of meeting agendas;
(d) Ability to preside at all Governing Board and Executive Committee meetings and the annual member meeting; strong interpersonal skills and ability to sustain NAEYC’s commitment to an open, participatory Board culture that welcomes diversity of perspectives and fosters knowledge-based, strategic thinking in building consensus and taking action;
(e) Ability to interpret NAEYC policies and activities and communicate these to members and nonmembers. This responsibility includes the ability to serve as an ambassador for the association and effectively represent NAEYC through the media, in relation to other groups, and through the association’s communication vehicles.
(f) Ability to provide leadership by appointing Committees of the Board and advisory groups (in consultation with appropriate officers and staff and with approval of the Board) and serving as an ex officio member of all Committees.
Other requirements
- All Board members must be NAEYC members in good standing.
- Potential Board member candidates must agree to submit to a criminal background check and sexual offender registry check. Inclusion on the slate is contingent upon the completion and results of these background checks.
- Service on NAEYC’s Governing Board is without remuneration, except for reimbursement of expenses in relation to Board members’ duties that comply with Board policy.
Governing Board Vice President
NAEYC’s vision: All young children thrive and learn in a society dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential.
NAEYC’s mission: NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. For more information about the association, please see our Strategic Direction.
In addition to fulfilling the general responsibilities of a Board member, the NAEYC Vice President serves as a member of the Executive Committee and performs the duties and exercises the powers of the President in the absence or disability of the President. The Vice President also serves as the Affiliate Liaison for the Board.
Specific responsibilities include:
Leadership, governance, and oversight
- Serving as a trusted advisor to the CEO as she implements NAEYC’s strategic plan
- Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by NAEYC for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics;
- As a Board member, approving NAEYC’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
- Contributing to the annual performance evaluation of the CEO
- Serving as Chair of the Affiliate Relations Committee to develop policy recommendations for the Board related to the formation and implementation of relationships and ensuring organizational excellence within and between the national organization and affiliates
- Serving as the primary Board liaison to the Affiliate Advisory Council which requires participating in regular conference calls and meetings with the Affiliate Advisory Council throughout the year
- Assisting in identifying and recruiting potential Board members
- Representing NAEYC to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
- Ensuring NAEYC’s commitment to a diverse board and staff that reflects the communities NAEYC serves
The Vice President is expected to consider NAEYC a philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that priority. So that NAEYC can credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, NAEYC seeks to have 100 percent of Board members make an annual contribution; the amount is determined by each individual.
Board terms/time commitments
The Vice President assumes a 4-year term of office that begins June 1 following his or her election by the membership. The Vice President also serves on the Executive Committee that is chaired by the President and includes the President-Elect or Past President, depending on which seat is occupied, Secretary, and Treasurer. Executive Committee meetings occur between Board meetings and as needed.
The full Board typically holds in-depth meetings (2 to 3 days in length, not including travel) three times a year—in January, April, and July. The Board also meets briefly at the NAEYC Annual Conference each fall, and conference calls may occur throughout the year. Board members receive detailed agenda materials to review prior to each meeting. Newly elected members also attend an orientation at NAEYC Headquarters and are invited to attend the April Board meeting as observers prior to their taking office.
The Vice President chairs the Affiliate Relations Committee that typically meets in conjunction with Board meetings and attends all meetings of the Affiliate Advisory Council. Travel and other expenses associated with Board service are covered by NAEYC; reimbursement for dependent care costs or substitute teachers is also available according to Board-determined policy.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about NAEYC’s mission and who has a significant track record of effective governance and leadership experience. Candidates for Vice President are selected based on their demonstrated ability to:
- Bring broad-based knowledge of issues affecting high-quality early learning and the early childhood profession;
- Carefully prepare for meetings by reviewing and synthesizing the provided background materials;
- Fully participate in group discussions by respectfully offering and listening to diverse points of view; and
- Make thoughtful decisions that are in the best interests of the entire association.
Individually and collectively, Board members are selected to reflect:
- High‐quality leadership with the commitment and ability to make meaningful contributions that will help the association further its mission and vision;
- Understanding and commitment to NAEYC’s vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic priorities, and NAEYC Board Code of Ethics;
- Broad knowledge and awareness of issues facing the early childhood field and ability to conceptualize the appropriate role for the association as guided by its vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic direction, and policies;
- Demonstrated commitment to the association’s desire to be a high-performing, inclusive organization that is enriched by and continually grows from its commitment to diversity, as embodied by its core beliefs;
- Strong interpersonal skills with ability to objectively consider diverse perspectives to guide major policy decisions of the association;
- Expertise in special areas needed by the association, including knowledge of NAEYC’s component structure, and/or knowledge and experience in nonprofit governance and organizational development;
- Commitment of time and other resources to provide vision and leadership as an effectively contributing Governing Board member;
- Ability to be an ambassador and public spokesperson on behalf of the association and its principles; and
- Demonstrated knowledge, skills, and experience, including fiduciary and fiscal responsibility, necessary to fulfill the specific responsibilities of their potential Board role.
Specific qualifications for Vice President
- Ability to assume the functions and responsibilities of the office of President in the absence or incapacity of the President through a broad understanding of NAEYC’s purpose, goals, priorities, and activities;
- Knowledge, skills, and experience to serve as Chair of the Affiliate Relations Committee to develop policy recommendations for the Board related to the formation and implementation of relationships and ensuring organizational excellence within and between the national component and affiliates of the association; and
- Extensive skills, knowledge, and experience needed for the role of primary Board liaison to the Affiliate Advisory Council, including understanding of group dynamics, nonprofit leadership and governance, including with NAEYC’s affiliate structure
Other requirements
- All Board members must be NAEYC members in good standing.
- Potential Board Member candidates must agree to submit to a criminal background check and sexual offender registry check. Inclusion on the slate is contingent upon the completion and results of these background checks.
Service on NAEYC’s Governing Board is without remuneration, except for reimbursement of expenses in relation to Board members’ duties that comply with Board policy.
Governing Board Secretary
NAEYC’s vision: All young children thrive and learn in a society dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential.
NAEYC’s mission: NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. For more information about the association, please see our Strategic Direction.
In addition to fulfilling the general responsibilities of a Board member, the NAEYC Secretary serves as a member of the Executive Committee. The Secretary will ensure appropriate records are maintained of the association’s meetings and proceedings. An assistant secretary (General Counsel) supports this role. Specific responsibilities include:
Leadership, governance, and oversight
- Serving as a trusted advisor to the CEO as she implements NAEYC’s strategic plan
- Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by NAEYC for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics
- As a Board member, approving NAEYC’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
- Contributing to the annual performance evaluation of the CEO
- Working with staff to record proceedings of Governing Board and Executive Committee meetings and the association’s annual member meeting, and to track action/discussion items from meeting discussions and minutes for future meeting agendas
- Confirming, with the President, prepared minutes and presenting the minutes of the immediate past meeting for approval by the Governing Board
- Serving as a member of the Nominating Committee to identify an annual slate of potential Board members
- Representing NAEYC to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
- Ensuring NAEYC’s commitment to a diverse Board and staff that reflects the communities NAEYC serves
The Secretary is expected to consider NAEYC a philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that priority. So that NAEYC can credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, NAEYC seeks to have 100 percent of Board members make an annual contribution; the amount is determined by each individual.
Board terms/time commitments
The Secretary assumes a 4-year term of office that begins June 1 following his or her election by the membership. The Secretary also serves on the Executive Committee that is chaired by the President and includes the President-Elect or Past President depending on which seat is occupied, Vice President, and Treasurer. Executive Committee meetings occur between Board meetings and as needed.
The full Board typically holds in-depth meetings (2 to 3 days in length, not including travel) three times a year—in January, April, and July. The Board also meets briefly at the NAEYC Annual Conference each fall, and conference calls may occur throughout the year. Board members receive detailed agenda materials to review prior to each meeting. Newly elected members also attend an orientation at NAEYC Headquarters and are invited to attend the April Board meeting as observers prior to their taking office.
The Secretary also serves on the Nominating Committee. This committee reviews submitted applications from potential candidates, determines a pool of potential candidates for interview, holds interviews, and determines the slate of candidates for Board approval. The initial screening of candidates requires individual review (mid-July) and participation in a conference call (early August) with other Nominating Committee members. Final selection of the slate requires attending a two- to three-day meeting in Washington, DC, typically in mid-September.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about NAEYC’s mission and who has a significant track record of effective governance and leadership experience. Board members are selected based on their demonstrated ability to:
- Bring broad-based knowledge of issues affecting high-quality early learning and the early childhood profession;
- Carefully prepare for meetings by reviewing and synthesizing the provided background materials;
- Fully participate in group discussions by respectfully offering and listening to diverse points of view; and
- Make thoughtful decisions that are in the best interests of the entire association.
Individually and collectively, Board members are selected to reflect:
- High‐quality leadership with the commitment and ability to make meaningful contributions that will help the association further its mission and vision;
- Understanding and commitment to NAEYC’s vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic priorities, and NAEYC Board Code of Ethics;
- Broad knowledge and awareness of issues facing the early childhood field and ability to conceptualize the appropriate role for the association as guided by its vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic direction, and policies;
- Demonstrated commitment to the association’s desire to be a high-performing, inclusive organization that is enriched by and continually grows from its commitment to diversity, as embodied by its core beliefs;
- Strong interpersonal skills with ability to objectively consider diverse perspectives to guide major policy decisions of the association;
- Expertise in special areas needed by the association, including knowledge of NAEYC’s component structure, and/or knowledge and experience in nonprofit governance and organizational development;
- Commitment of time and other resources to provide vision and leadership as an effectively contributing Governing Board member;
- Ability to be an ambassador and public spokesperson on behalf of the Association and its principles;
- Demonstrated knowledge, skills, and experience, including fiduciary and fiscal responsibility, necessary to fulfill the specific responsibilities of their potential Board role.
Specific qualifications for Secretary
- Demonstrated high‐level organization and communication skills
- Ability to synthesize and conceptualize in a variety of meeting environments
Other requirements
All Board members must be NAEYC members in good standing. Potential Board member candidates must agree to submit to a criminal background check and sexual offender registry check. Inclusion on the slate is contingent upon the completion and results of these background checks. Service on NAEYC’s Governing Board is without remuneration, except for reimbursement of expenses in relation to Board members’ duties that comply with Board policy.
Governing Board Treasurer
NAEYC’s vision: All young children thrive and learn in a society dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential.
NAEYC’s mission: NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. For more information about the association, please see our Strategic Direction.
In addition to fulfilling the general responsibilities of a Board member, the NAEYC Treasurer serves as a member of the Executive Committee and chair of the Finance and Investment Committee. The Treasurer has general oversight of the care and custody of the organization’s financial assets and investments. The Treasurer will prepare and present recommendations to the President and the Board relative to fiscal and investment policy. An assistant treasurer (Deputy Executive Director for Finance and Operations) supports this position. Specific responsibilities include:
Leadership, governance, and oversight
- Serving as a trusted advisor to the CEO as she implements NAEYC’s strategic plan
- Providing general supervision over the care and custody of the funds and over the receipts and disbursements of the association
- Reviewing and analyzing NAEYC’s financial status and communicating that information to the Governing Board at its meetings and the membership at the annual member meeting
- Serving as Chair of the Finance and Investment Committee and preparing and presenting recommendations to the President and Governing Board in the areas of fiscal policy and procedures, investment policy, acquisitions, and future plans, including the annual budget
- Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by NAEYC for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics
- As a Board member, approving NAEYC’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
- Contributing to the annual performance evaluation of the CEO
- Serving as a member of the Executive Committee
- Representing NAEYC to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
- Ensuring NAEYC’s commitment to a diverse board and staff that reflects the communities NAEYC serves
The Treasurer is expected to consider NAEYC a philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that priority. So that NAEYC can credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, NAEYC seeks to have 100 percent of Board members make an annual contribution; the amount is determined by each individual.
Board terms/time commitments
The Treasurer assumes a 4-year term of office that begins June 1 following his or her appointment by the Board. The Treasurer also serves on the Executive Committee that is chaired by the President and includes the President-Elect or Past President depending on which seat is occupied, Vice-President, and Secretary. Executive Committee meetings occur between Board meetings and as needed.
The full Board typically holds in-depth meetings (2 to 3 days in length, not including travel) three times a year—in January, April, and July. The Board also meets briefly at the NAEYC Annual Conference each fall, and conference calls may occur throughout the year. Board members receive detailed agenda materials to review prior to each meeting. Newly elected members also attend an orientation at NAEYC Headquarters and are invited to attend the April Board meeting as observers prior to their taking office.
The Treasurer chairs the Finance and Investment Committee that typically meets in conjunction with Board meetings and between meetings via conference call as necessary. Travel and other expenses associated with Board service are covered by NAEYC; reimbursement for dependent care costs or substitute teachers is also available according to Board-determined policy.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about NAEYC’s mission and who has a significant track record of effective governance and leadership experience. Board members are selected based on their demonstrated ability to:
- Bring broad-based knowledge of issues affecting high-quality early learning and the early childhood profession;
- Carefully prepare for meetings by reviewing and synthesizing the provided background materials;
- Fully participate in group discussions by respectfully offering and listening to diverse points of view; and
- Make thoughtful decisions that are in the best interests of the entire association.
Individually and collectively, Board members are selected to reflect:
- High‐quality leadership with the commitment and ability to make meaningful contributions that will help the association further its mission and vision;
- Understanding and commitment to NAEYC’s vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic priorities, and NAEYC Board Code of Ethics;
- Broad knowledge and awareness of issues facing the early childhood field and ability to conceptualize the appropriate role for the association as guided by its vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic direction, and policies;
- Demonstrated commitment to the association’s desire to be a high-performing, inclusive organization that is enriched by and continually grows from its commitment to diversity, as embodied by its core beliefs;
- Strong interpersonal skills with ability to objectively consider diverse perspectives to guide major policy decisions of the association;
- Expertise in special areas needed by the association, including knowledge of NAEYC’s component structure, and/or knowledge and experience in nonprofit governance and organizational development;
- Commitment of time and other resources to provide vision and leadership as an effectively contributing Governing Board member;
- Ability to be an ambassador and public spokesperson on behalf of the association and its principles; and
- Demonstrated knowledge, skills, and experience, including fiduciary and fiscal responsibility, necessary to fulfill the specific responsibilities of their potential Board role.
Specific qualifications for Treasurer
- Knowledge of fiscal policy, experience in analyzing large nonprofit budgets, and the ability to prepare and communicate financial data to the Board and membership
- Knowledge, skills, and experience in the areas of fiscal policy and procedures, investment policy, and acquisitions, including the ability to conceptualize the application of this information for use by the Governing Board in knowledge‐based decision making.
Other requirements
All Board members must be NAEYC members in good standing. Potential Board member candidates must agree to submit to a criminal background check and sexual offender registry check. Appointment to the board is contingent upon the completion and results of these background checks. Service on NAEYC’s Governing Board is without remuneration, except for reimbursement of expenses in relation to Board members’ duties that comply with Board policy.
Governing Board Member At-Large
NAEYC’s vision: All young children thrive and learn in a society dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential.
NAEYC’s mission: NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. For more information about the association, please see our Strategic Direction.
The NAEYC Governing Board provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by NAEYC’s CEO, the Board-CEO relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected. Specific Board member responsibilities include:
Leadership, governance, and oversight
- Serving as a trusted advisor to the CEO as she implements NAEYC’s strategic plan
- Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by NAEYC for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics; reviewing agenda and supporting materials prior to Board and committee meetings
- Approving NAEYC’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
- Contributing to an annual performance evaluation of the CEO
- Assisting in identifying and recruiting potential Board members
- Partnering with the CEO and other Board members to ensure that Board resolutions are carried out
- Serving on committees and taking on special assignments
- Representing NAEYC to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
- Ensuring NAEYC’s commitment to a diverse board and staff that reflects the communities NAEYC serves
NAEYC Board members are expected to consider NAEYC a philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that priority. So that NAEYC can credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, NAEYC seeks to have 100 percent of Board members make an annual contribution; the amount is determined by each individual.
Board term/time commitments
NAEYC’s Board Members At-Large serve a 4-year term that begins June 1 following their election by the membership or appointment by the Board. In-depth meetings of the full Board are typically held three times a year. The January and April meetings are typically 2 to 3 days in length, not including travel; the July meeting is a 3–4 day retreat, not including travel. The Board also meets briefly at the NAEYC Annual Conference each fall, and conference calls may occur throughout the year. Board members receive detailed agenda materials to review prior to each meeting. Newly elected members also attend an orientation at NAEYC Headquarters and are invited to attend the April Board meeting prior to taking office. Board members serve on committees that conduct business by e-mail, conference call, or face-to-face meetings (typically in conjunction with Board meetings). Travel and other expenses associated with Board service are covered by NAEYC; reimbursement for dependent care costs or substitute teachers is also available according to Board-determined policy.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for an individual who is passionate about NAEYC’s mission and has a track record of effective governance and leadership experience. Board members are selected based on their demonstrated ability to:
- Bring broad-based knowledge of issues affecting high-quality early learning and the early childhood profession;
- Carefully prepare for meetings by reviewing and synthesizing the provided background materials;
- Fully participate in group discussions by respectfully offering and listening to diverse points of view; and
- Make thoughtful decisions that are in the best interests of the entire association.
Individually and collectively, Board members are selected to reflect:
- High‐quality leadership with the commitment and ability to make meaningful contributions that will help the association further its mission and vision;
- Understanding and commitment to NAEYC’s vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic priorities, and NAEYC Board Code of Ethics;
- Broad knowledge and awareness of issues facing the early childhood field and ability to conceptualize the appropriate role for the association as guided by its vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic direction, and policies
- Demonstrated commitment to the association’s desire to be a high-performing, inclusive organization that is enriched by and continually grows from its commitment to diversity, as embodied by its core beliefs;
- Strong interpersonal skills with ability to objectively consider diverse perspectives to guide major policy decisions of the association;
- Expertise in special areas needed by the association, including knowledge of NAEYC’s component structure, and/or knowledge and experience in nonprofit governance and organizational development;
- Commitment of time and other resources to provide vision and leadership as an effectively contributing Governing Board member;
- Ability to be an ambassador and public spokesperson on behalf of the association and its principles; and
- Demonstrated knowledge, skills, and experience, including fiduciary and fiscal responsibility, necessary to fulfill the specific responsibilities of their potential Board role.
Other requirements
All Board members must be NAEYC members in good standing. Potential Board member candidates must agree to submit to a criminal background check and sexual offender registry check. Inclusion on the slate or appointment to the Board is contingent upon the completion and results of these background checks. Service on NAEYC’s Governing Board is without remuneration, except for reimbursement of expenses in relation to Board members’ duties that comply with Board policy.
Governing Board Student Member
NAEYC’s vision: All young children thrive and learn in a society dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential.
NAEYC’s mission: NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse, dynamic early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children. For more information about the association, please see our Strategic Direction.
The Governing Board provides mission-based leadership and strategic governance. While day-to-day operations are led by NAEYC’s CEO, the Board-CEO relationship is a partnership, and the appropriate involvement of the Board is both critical and expected. A seat on the Board is reserved for a student member. Although Student Board Member responsibilities are similar to other Board members at large, it is expected that students will bring a unique perspective as emerging professionals to their participation. Responsibilities include:
Leadership, governance, and oversight
- Serving as a trusted advisor to the CEO as she implements NAEYC’s strategic plan
- Reviewing outcomes and metrics created by NAEYC for evaluating its impact, and regularly measuring its performance and effectiveness using those metrics; reviewing agenda and supporting materials prior to board and committee meetings
- Approving NAEYC’s annual budget, audit reports, and material business decisions; being informed of, and meeting all, legal and fiduciary responsibilities
- Contributing to an annual performance evaluation of the CEO
- Assisting in identifying and recruiting other Board members
- Partnering with the CEO and other Board members to ensure that Board resolutions are carried out
- Serving on committees or task forces and taking on special assignments
- Representing NAEYC to stakeholders; acting as an ambassador for the organization
- Ensuring NAEYC’s commitment to a diverse Board and staff that reflects the communities NAEYC serves
NAEYC Board members are expected to consider NAEYC a philanthropic priority and make annual gifts that reflect that priority. So that NAEYC can credibly solicit contributions from foundations, organizations, and individuals, NAEYC seeks to have 100 percent of Board members make an annual contribution; the amount is determined by each individual.
Board term/time commitments
Student Board Members serve a 2-year term that begins June 1 following their election by the membership. The first year of this term is as an ex officio (non-voting) member; during the second year, the Student Board Member has full voting privileges and the same responsibilities as other Board Members At-Large. In-depth meetings of the full Board are typically held three times a year. The January and April meetings are typically 2 to 3 days in length, not including travel; the July meeting is a 3–4 day retreat, not including travel. The Board also meets briefly at the NAEYC Annual Conference each fall, and conference calls may occur throughout the year. Board members receive detailed agenda materials to review prior to each meeting. Newly elected members also attend an orientation at NAEYC Headquarters and are invited to attend the April Board meeting as observers prior to their taking office. Board members serve on committees that conduct business by e-mail, conference call, or face-to-face meetings (typically in conjunction with Board meetings). Travel and other expenses associated with Board service are covered by NAEYC; reimbursement for dependent care costs or substitute teachers is also available according to Board-determined policy.
This is an extraordinary opportunity for a current student who is passionate about NAEYC’s mission and who has a track record of emerging leadership. Student Board Members are selected based on their demonstrated ability to:
- Bring broad-based knowledge of issues affecting high-quality early learning and the early childhood profession;
- Carefully prepare for meetings by reviewing and synthesizing the provided background materials;
- Fully participate in group discussions by respectfully offering and listening to diverse points of view; and
- Make thoughtful decisions that are in the best interests of the entire association.
Individually and collectively, Board members are selected to reflect:
- High‐quality leadership with the commitment and ability to make meaningful contributions that will help the association further its mission and vision;
- Understanding and commitment to NAEYC’s vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic priorities, and NAEYC Board Code of Ethics;
- Broad knowledge and awareness of issues facing the early childhood field and ability to conceptualize the appropriate role for the association as guided by its vision, mission, core values and beliefs, strategic direction, and policies;
- Demonstrated commitment to the association’s desire to be a high-performing, inclusive organization that is enriched by and continually grows from its commitment to diversity, as embodied by its core beliefs;
- Strong interpersonal skills with ability to objectively consider diverse perspectives to guide major policy decisions of the association;
- Expertise in special areas needed by the association, including knowledge of NAEYC’s component structure, and/or knowledge and experience in nonprofit governance and organizational development;
- Commitment of time and other resources to provide vision and leadership as an effectively contributing Student Governing Board Member;
- Ability to be an ambassador and public spokesperson on behalf of the association and its principles; and
- Demonstrated knowledge, skills, and experience, including fiduciary and fiscal responsibility, necessary to fulfill the specific responsibilities of their potential Board role.
Specific requirements for Student Board Members
Student Board Members must be registered and enrolled students engaged in a program of study leading to an associate, baccalaureate, or graduate degree at a regionally accredited college or university during the quarter (or semester) in which elected. Student Board Members must maintain their registered and enrolled student status throughout their term unless they graduate.
Other requirements
All Board members must be NAEYC members in good standing. Potential Student Board Member candidates must agree to submit to a criminal background check and sexual offender registry check. Inclusion on the slate is contingent upon the completion and results of these background checks. Service on NAEYC’s Governing Board is without remuneration, except for reimbursement of expenses in relation to Board members’ duties that comply with Board policy.