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Young girl smiling
a group of children working together on a science project
Young Children
June 1, 2021

Embracing Partnerships with Informal Settings to Enhance Teaching and Learning

This article will provide research-driven, practical advice for how early childhood educators can partner with community-based organizations to utilize an integrated and developmentally appropriate approach to teaching and learning.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Sara L. Hartman, Jennifer Hines-Bergmeier
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Teacher on a laptop waving
September 4, 2020

Meeting Families Where They Are

When schools abruptly transitioned to distance learning back in March, I found myself communicating with families more regularly than ever before. And it wasn’t long before I learned many parents and family members were struggling with fears, anxiety, los

Authored by

Authored by: 
Jenny Levinson
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Preschool child playing at table
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2020

Engage Children’s Communities with Friends and Family Day!

Consider celebrating a Friends and Family Day to help all children––and all families––feel like valued members of your learning community.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Will Parnell, Ellie Justice, Laure Pearson Patrick
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Two preschool girls on the floor in the classroom reading a book together
Teaching Young Children
October 1, 2019

Using the Village to Raise a Reader

In this article, we explore the key roles that teachers, families, and community initiatives like those underway at some laundromats play in helping children become ready to read.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Donna C. Celano, Susan B. Neuman
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Father playing with their child
Teaching Young Children
August 1, 2019

Building Relationships: The Key to Engaging Fathers

By better understanding the ways fathers think about their parenting, early childhood educators can offer more support for the fathers of children in their programs.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Lindsey L. Wilson, Holly S. Schindler
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Child playing with recyclable materials with teacher
November 5, 2018

What’s Play All About? Children’s Museums Weigh In

As members of the Children’s Museum Research Network, we helped conduct a study to examine how children’s museums position themselves around play.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Nicole R. Rivera, Alix Tonsgard
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Children playing in play centers at a library
Young Children
July 1, 2018

Public Libraries Harness the Power of Play

Thanks to a nationwide parent education initiative called Every Child Ready to Read (ECRR), an increasing number of librarians are focusing on helping parents interact with their young children in meaningful ways to increase vocabulary development.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Donna C. Celano, Jillian J. Knapczyk, Susan B. Neuman
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Children playing outside
March 30, 2018

Building Reciprocal Relationships with Communities

Being an early childhood administrator can be challenging but also professionally and personally rewarding because it provides the opportunity to develop lasting and meaningful relationships with families and the community.

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Authored by: 
Ludmila Battista
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Drawings by children from around the world
Young Children
September 1, 2017

Global Practices that Inform and Inspire

Working with early childhood educators around the globe demonstrates that there is promise and innovation everywhere, even in the most unpromising circumstances.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Marilou Hyson
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Child looking at a museum fossil display.
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2016

Inspired By Museums—Both Outside and Inside the Classroom

At the Smithsonian Early Enrichment Center, teachers take children to museums and other sites around Washington, DC, almost daily. But your program doesn’t have to be located next to a museum—there are rich learning opportunities in every community.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Kimberlee L. Kiehl
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Three women converse.
Young Children
March 1, 2016

Teachers, Nurses, and Families: Countdown to a Healthy Start

It is time for families, teachers, child care providers, schools, and communities to embrace health and wellness as an important factor in the early childhood experience.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Mary Jane Eisenhauer, Angela Schooley
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Banner for YC March 2016 Issue
Young Children
March 1, 2016

Read the Full Issue (March 2016)

Young Children's March 2016 issue is available as a PDF for members only. Please see the link below.
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