STEM-focused children’s books that span genres and highlight gender-, ability-, culturally, and racially diverse characters enhance all children’s STEM learning.
This revised edition provides the latest research-based guidance for supporting children's social identities, including gender, race, culture, abilities and more!
Early childhood educators, early learning settings, higher education and professional development systems, and public policy all have important roles in forging a new path for the future.
The recommendations are based on a set of principles that synthesize current early childhood education research through the lenses of equity and NAEYC’s core values.
NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
Work to change any policy that either directly or through unintended negative consequences undermines children’s physical and emotional well-being or weakens the bonds between children and their families.
This position statement is one of five foundational documents NAEYC has developed in collaboration with the early childhood profession. With its specific focus on advancing equity in early childhood education.
En NAEYC, la educación anti-prejuicio lleva mucho tiempo como el núcleo del trabajo que hacemos relativo a la raza, la justicia social, la equidad y la diversidad.