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Young girl smiling
Teacher on a laptop smiling at young child
Teaching Young Children
September 16, 2020

Ask Hello. Play in the Age of COVID

If your center is operating fairly “normal,” what have you noticed during play? Are children talking about COVID? Do they interact the same way as before?
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Cover of the October/November issue of TYC featuring teaching in a classroom with two children.
Teaching Young Children
Vol. 14, No. 1
September 16, 2020

October/November 2020

Partnering with Families, Helping Children through Change
TYC October/November 2020 issue
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Mother and and a little girl holding a teddy bear
September 4, 2020

Supporting Relationships with Puppets, Books, and Self-Care

Our commitment to partnering with families has not changed. We are providing remote services that prioritize relationships and we are connecting with families using social media, sending weekly text messages to all, and reaching out to each family.

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Authored by: 
Shannon C. M. Banks
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Child plays with bubbles outside
July 15, 2020

Finding Threads of Inquiry

Teachers using an emergent inquiry curriculum are responsive to children, planning provocations around questions they have developed that challenge the children toward the edges of their own understandings.

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Authored by: 
Jane Tingle Broderick, Seong Bock Hong
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A classroom of children playing with wooden blocks
Young Children
May 1, 2020

STREAM Education at Work—No, at Play! A Toy-Making Unit

Early achievement in math and science predicts later school success as well or better than early literacy skills do.

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Authored by: 
Douglas H. Clements, Julie Sarama, Kimberly Brenneman, Nell K. Duke, Mary Louise Hemmeter
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young girl putting together a 3D block puzzles using blocks
Young Children
May 1, 2020

Learning Engineering through Block Play: STEM in Preschool

In recent years, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have been increasingly emphasized for elementary-age children, and this trend should extend into preschool too. Blocks—a fundamental material found in almost all early childhood se

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Authored by: 
Zachary S. Gold, James Elicker, Barbara A. Beaulieu
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A young boy in a classroom taping an image to block.
Young Children
May 1, 2020

Transforming Our Community with STEAM

The preschool bucket brigade took place four weeks into an intensive study surrounding the unit Our Community. While this topic is very common in preschools, for these teachers, this community unit was almost all new. This was their first experience with

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Authored by: 
Lea Ann Christenson, Jenny James
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Girl with mud on hands
Young Children
May 1, 2019

Rocking and Rolling. Fresh Air, Fun, and Exploration: Why Outdoor Play Is Essential for Healthy Developmentالهواء النقي والمتعة والاستكشاف: أهمية اللعب الخارجي في التطور الصحي للأطفال

Ensuring that outdoor play is an integral part of your child care and education setting’s daily schedule supports early learning across all domains and unleashes a whole lot of joy—for you and for children!

Authored by

Authored by: 
Kathy Kinsner
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