Research suggests that preschoolers’ early mathematics learning—including spatial-thinking skills—is related to later success in both reading and math. Here are some tips for supporting your preschooler’s spatial thinking!
Mathematics activities can contribute to later success in both math and reading, but activities focused on math and spatial learning can also be really fun and playful for young children—and for their teachers!
Authored by
Authored by:
Ashley Lewis Presser, Danae Kamdar, Ximena Dominguez
When you go online to search for a science activity, how can you know which activities will really help children build knowledge about STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and support their scientific thinking?
The following details how emerging research shows a connection between higher curiosity in children and higher reading and math scores at kindergarten.
If you join children during their play and ask open-ended, person-oriented and process-oriented questions, you can gain information about what each child understands and is coming to understand.
If your center is operating fairly “normal,” what have you noticed during play? Are children talking about COVID? Do they interact the same way as before?
Our commitment to partnering with families has not changed. We are providing remote services that prioritize relationships and we are connecting with families using social media, sending weekly text messages to all, and reaching out to each family.
In a recent Hello discussion, a member asked for recommendations on helping families find and use recycled and commonly accessible materials for open-ended play!
Teachers using an emergent inquiry curriculum are responsive to children, planning provocations around questions they have developed that challenge the children toward the edges of their own understandings.
In our research we had the opportunity to investigate the The PBS KIDS Play & Learn Science app with the help of 32 families each of whom had at least one 3-, 4-, or 5-year-old child at home. We asked parents to use the resources in the app with their chi
In our research we had the opportunity to investigate the The PBS KIDS Play & Learn Science app with the help of 32 families each of whom had at least one 3-, 4-, or 5-year-old child at home. We asked parents to use the resources in the app with their chi
In recent years, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have been increasingly emphasized for elementary-age children, and this trend should extend into preschool too. Blocks—a fundamental material found in almost all early childhood se
Authored by
Authored by:
Zachary S. Gold, James Elicker, Barbara A. Beaulieu