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Young girl smiling
Teacher with preschool children
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2020

پیام در کوله پشتی ™ بازی با طبیعت برای کودکان حساس Message in a Backpack ™ Nature Play with Sensitive Children

از این ایده ها برای تبلور تجربیات بازی با طبیعت در محیط های داخلی و بیرونی استفاده کنید تا شما و کودک تان بتوانید با هم لذت ببرید

Authored by

Authored by: 
Becky L. DelVecchio, Susan Ferguson
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Teacher with preschool children
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2020

Message in a Backpack ™ Nature Play with Sensitive Children

What happens when your child is sensitive to touching natural objects? Use these ideas to spark indoor and outdoor nature play.

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Authored by: 
Becky L. DelVecchio, Susan Ferguson
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serious fun arabic e-book cover

(E-Book) المرح الجاد: كيف يزيد اللعب الموجه فرص التعلم لدى الأطفال

الفضول الفطري والتخيل الديناميكي لدى الأطفال يقودهم إلى فرص تعلم مثيرة ومفيدة. اكتشف كيفية تقديم تجارب اللعب الموجه إلى جانب اللعب التلقائي لدعم معرفة الأطفال في المجالات الرئيسية واكتساب متعة لا تنجلي لعملية التعلم. هذا الكتاب ممتاز وذو مزايا عضوية قياسي
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Toddler playing at a table
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Searching for the Meaning of Play

Vivian’s desire to create space for stories, her ability to listen fully and her longing to elevate, illuminate and understand children’s play all continue to push me to be a better teacher. 

Authored by

Authored by: 
Todd Erickson
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Toddlers playing in a classroom on the floor, sitting with three teachers
Voices of Practitioners
December 17, 2019

Parallel Voices Commentary—Reframing Teachers’ Understandings of Conflicted Play

Christopher’s work can help us replace a deficit view of difficulty with a more trusting approach to children as they work through the challenges that serve their current developmental and relationship growth (Madrid, Fernie, & Kantor 2015).

Authored by

Authored by: 
Robyn Brookshire
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Preschool boy playing with blocks and a toy car on the floor

I'm Not Ready to Tidy Up

So what is a parent to do when they have a room full of playthings and a child who is not interested in picking any of it up? Here are five tips I’ve gathered from my career as an early childhood educator and my experience as a mom
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A person typing at a keyboard
Teaching Young Children
December 1, 2019

Ask Hello. Supporting Culturally Rich Play

In a recent Hello discussion, a member sought input on culturally rich dramatic play and how to avoid materials that reinforce stereotypes.
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Cover of the December/January issue of TYC
Teaching Young Children
Vol. 13, No. 2
December 1, 2019

December 2019/January 2020

Valuing Diversity; Nurturing Curiosity
Read the December/January issue of Teaching Young Children!
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Cover of This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers
January 1, 2019

This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers

With its spot-on ideas and suggestions, delightful anecdotes, and engaging photos, you’ll gain a new appreciation for infants’ and toddlers’ competence and curiosity and how important your role is in the birth-to-3 adventure.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Julia Luckenbill, Aarti Subramaniam, Janet Thompson
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Two young girls at the lake scooping water into buckets
August 6, 2019

Gone Fishing

I think about being a parent and a teacher and observing children. Even experts can forget that there is a time to model and guide, and also a time to give space for the kind of learning that happens with uninterrupted play and exploration.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Julia Luckenbill
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Three children looking at leaves
August 6, 2019

Connecting our Nature Walks to the Classroom

If the environment is the third teacher, there is no better classroom environment than the outdoors. I use our experiences and my notes and pictures as inspiration for our curriculum.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Daniela Silver
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