Dr. Nadia Jones is truly a servant leader; she is also an early childhood educator with over 20 years of leadership experience and service in the field. Throughout her career, she has served in a variety of impactful roles, including Teacher, Bus Driver, Food Service Manager, Executive Director, Program Administrator, Chief Content Officer, and Consultant. Her expertise spans curriculum development, staff leadership, strategic planning, and organizational growth and strategy.
Dr. Jones is deeply committed to ensuring that all children have access to safe, nurturing spaces where they can learn and grow. She believes that every child deserves a foundation built on care, support, and high-quality educational experiences. A passionate advocate for the early childhood education community, she has worked tirelessly to raise awareness and generate action around the importance of equitable access to resources and opportunities for young learners. Her efforts have influenced local, state, and national policymakers and she is exceptionally skilled at building coalitions and engaging stakeholder groups across various industries.
Dr. Jones is relentless about advancing policies that increase teacher compensation. She understands that investing in teachers is critical for fostering a thriving educational environment and shaping the future of children’s lives.
Dr. Jones continues to make a lasting impact on the early childhood education landscape by doing the work alongside her ECE colleagues and stakeholders to elevate every voice in the field.
Nadia Jones: Candidate Statement 1
Nadia Jones: Candidate Statement 2
Briefly describe your relevant experience in governance and your understanding of fiduciary duties and fiscal responsibilities. How have you applied these principles in previous positions or organizations, and how do you plan to contribute to the effectiveness and financial stewardship of our Board?
I have gained valuable experience in board governance through my involvement in various leadership roles during the course of my career.
I have served as a NAEYC Affiliate Board Member, NAEYC Governing Board Member, ECU Alumni Association Board Member (Go Pirates), Junior League of Georgia State Political Affairs Committee Member/Delegate and Society for Indigenous Languages and Cultures - Sierra Leone.
These positions have provided me with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities that exist within the field as well as the fiscal responsibilities associated with each role.
I have collaborated with my board colleagues to drive strategic decisions, monitor organizational and leadership performance, and ensure compliance with regulatory and ethical standards.
Board Governance also means acting in the best interests of the organization, making informed decisions with due diligence, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring that the organization adheres to its mission, legal obligations, and financial integrity.
Having served on the Finance Committee for the NAEYC Governing Board, my experience in budgeting, financial planning, and resource allocation positions me to contribute effectively to upholding the board’s fiduciary responsibilities. Not only am I committed to upholding these responsibilities; I am committed to contributing to the board’s success by ensuring there is transparency, accountability, and a focus on long-term sustainability.