Application and Nomination Process: NAEYC Governing Board

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The 2025 NAEYC Governing Board Election is now closed.
Eligibility requirements
Applications for the NAEYC Governing Board are currently closed.
NAEYC members in good standing are eligible for Board service. Any such member is welcome to apply for consideration by the Governance Committee, which is responsible for constructing each year’s slate. Inclusion on the slate is contingent upon completion of background checks. Additionally, the following limitations have been placed on the selection of candidates:
- A person will not be a prospective potential candidate, potential candidate, or candidate for any other position (officer or otherwise) while serving a term on the Board, with the exception of individuals appointed to complete an unexpired term.
- A Board member who resigned prior to serving their full term will not be considered for any Board position (officer or otherwise) if the Board member resigned in order to run for any position on the Board.
- Individuals who have had a contract with NAEYC or any of its Affiliates within 12 months of the date of application are not eligible for consideration as a potential candidate (does not include honoraria).
- No former employee of NAEYC should be considered for Board service until three (3) years have passed since their last day of employment.
- It is recognized that occasionally a person with prior Board experience might represent the combination of qualities most needed by the organization, thus the possibility of nominating a person with prior Board experience is not eliminated.
- For the 2025 election, Student Board Members must be a currently registered and enrolled students engaged in a program of study leading to an associate, or baccalaureate, at a regionally accredited college or university during the quarter (or semester) in which elected. Student Board Members must maintain their registered and enrolled student status throughout their term unless they graduate.
Applications for the NAEYC Governing Board are currently closed.
- Résumé: include employment history (last 10 years); professional preparation; board or related governance experience (last 10 years); and publications, awards, or other noteworthy accomplishments (last 5 years).
- Personal statement (2 pages maximum): how your knowledge, skills and abilities would contribute to NAEYC’s leadership at this point in time.
- References: two (2) professional letters of recommendation that address your strengths as a potential Board candidate. Please note: Current NAEYC Governing Board or staff members may not serve as references. One reference should be your current employer or supervisor (if self-employed, most recent client).
How the Nomination and Applications Processes Work
All applications are due by midnight on July 22, 2024. Members of the Governance Committee review all submitted application materials and references to identify a group of potential candidates who are invited to interview virtually with the Committee in September. Individual virtual interviews are held with members of the Governance Committee and each potential candidate. Based on the interviews and Committee deliberations, a proposed slate is identified.
Determination of the Slate
After the interviews are completed, the Governance Committee determines its recommendations for the election slate. Two candidates will appear on the slate for each available position. All potential members of the proposed slate are required to submit to a criminal background check and sexual offender registry check by signing appropriate authorizations and consents. All potential members of the slate will be individually assessed, and decisions will be made with respect to Board membership based upon the totality of the candidate’s qualifications and the results of the background checks. See here for more information about the screening process. Once the background screenings have been successfully completed, the slate is presented to the Governing Board for approval, and then presented to the membership for election.
2025 NAEYC Nominations and Election Timeline
- June 2024: Applications open.
- July 22, 2024: Deadline for submission of applications
- August 2024: Based upon its review of submitted materials, the Governance Committee invites potential candidates to participate in virtual interviews. The interviews guide the selection of the slate that is recommended to the Governing Board for approval.
- Mid-September 2024: Virtual interviews (mandatory for selection) and Governance Committee determines on slate for recommendation to the Governing Board
- October 2024: Governing Board votes on slate and all candidates are notified of selection status.
- November 2024: The slate is officially announced on the NAEYC website and at the Annual Conference*. Candidates are invited to speak before membership on their qualifications for Board service.
- January 9, 2025: Eligible NAEYC members receive voting instructions for the election.
- February 6, 2025: Election closes. All candidates are notified of results within one week.
- July 2025: Governing Board Meeting
*All student candidates who are selected for the final slate will receive financial support to attend Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA.