All Preschool Content

Young girl smiling
Father and child working together
May 25, 2018

When a Foster Child Enters Your Care: Suggestions from a Foster Parent

Tips from a licensed foster parent and early childhood educator on the best ways to support children in the foster care system, including resources that will help provide a safe and nurturing environment that assists individual needs.

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Authored by: 
Christa Murray
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Father helping child with drawing
May 24, 2018

Preschool Reflections

A preschool teacher asked the families of her preK-4 program to reflect on their children’s experiences before the end of the school year. Read what they had to say, as well as the teacher's own observations about the impact of preschool learning.

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Authored by: 
Jenny Levinson
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Cover of Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment
January 1, 2018

Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment

Find inspiration to intentionally develop and implement meaningful, developmentally appropriate observation and assessment practices to build responsive, joyful classrooms.

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Authored by: 
Holly Bohart, Rossella Procopio
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Teacher helping student with project
May 2, 2018

Fingerprints Upon My Heart

After forming a close bond with a student in his classroom, this preschool teacher shares his testimony on the power of play—and how it helped him through grief and retrospection after the passing of a loved one.

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Authored by: 
Darius Phelps
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Two young children draw with markers
Young Children
May 1, 2018

ممتع ومثرٍ: الدليل إلى الصرامة الأكاديمية الملائمة من الناحية التنموية Engaging and Enriching: The Key to Developmentally Appropriate Academic Rigor

إن الممارسة الصارمة وتلك الملائمة من الناحية التنموية، تعتبران ضروريتين للتعليم بمرحلة الطفولة المبكرة؛ وإذا ما تم القيام بهما على نحو سليم، فإن كل منهما سوف يعزز الآخر

Authored by

Authored by: 
Shannon Riley-Ayers, Alexandra Figueras-Daniel
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Young girl reading a book with her father
Young Children
May 1, 2018

The Reading Chair: May 2018

New children’s books too good to miss and one forever favorite.

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Authored by: 
Isabel Baker, Miriam Baker Schiffer
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Student looking at warhol effect on laptop
April 23, 2018

The Making of an Art Museum: A Preschool Project

In this Reggio Emilia-inspired preschool, the children’s interest in art grew, so they decided to open a classroom art museum.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Sarah West
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Girl standing in classroom
April 10, 2018


The best available evidence tells us that more guns leads to more violence, and that child-access prevention laws, in particular, can reduce injuries and deaths.

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Authored by: 
Lauren Hogan
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