NAEYC is for the active embrace of equity. We are for talking openly and honestly about diversity, and we are for changing our policies and practices to enhance our organizational commitment to being high performing and inclusive.
Play supports children’s learning in so many ways. Make sure your child has time to play to promote cognitive, language and literacy, physical, social, and emotional development.
NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
In a recent Hello discussion, a teacher sought advice on how to support a child with two moms around Father’s Day, and how to discuss this with his parents in a way that was respectful to all the families.
Increasing core strength and hand–eye coordination can help preschoolers improve their gross motor abilities. Consider these activities for bringing active play inside!
This is the second article in Preschool Play Plans, a TYC series. These are ideas for open-ended indoor and outdoor activities that use inexpensive or free materials—bubbles, mud, chalk, playdough, and cardboard boxes.
This is the first article in a series about asking questions that foster rich conversations. Visiting a variety of preschool settings, we’ll consider the different types of questions teachers ask and listen to children’s responses.
Your preschooler is learning positive behaviors just like she’s learning new words and skills. It’s important to stay calm, patient, and consistent as you help your child understand your expectations.
When faced with challenging behavior, it’s important to focus on teaching new skills and reinforcing desired behaviors. When challenging behavior is replaced with appropriate skills, positive change is sure to follow!
Este mensaje es para recortarse, fotocopiarse y enviarse a casa con los niños como recurso para los padres. Está disponible también por internet en