Musical theater gives children opportunities to cooperate with peers and express themselves ; for English language learners, research has also found increases in vocabulary and reading fluency.
By detailing the poetry efforts of one classroom and sharing examples of children’s original works, I examine how children represent their voices, stories, and cultures through poetry.
The research is clear: when we say children are “born scientists,” we’re not just being cute; they really are active scientists, right now, systematically and intentionally exploring their environments, even from the day they are born.
The research is clear: when we say children are “born scientists,” we’re not just being cute; they really are active scientists, right now, systematically and intentionally exploring their environments, even from the day they are born.
Emphasizing the need to understand and respect young children’s strengths and unique characteristics, the authors offer inspiration for working in the field, as well as addressing the realistic challenges of implementing developmentally appropriate care a
NAEYC offers a variety of webinars and trainings that build professional development and highlight important topics in the early childhood education field
Examples of how educators can implement technology and interactive media in the classroom by using these tools and effective practices for school-aged children
In this current conversation about media, technology and children’s learning, the focus has been on the importance of human interaction in relation to children’s media and technology use.