There are lots of activities that can increase muscle strength and coordination, preparing children for more advanced skills, from writing with a pencil, using a computer mouse, or playing a musical instrument.
Most families with young children welcome outdoor fun and sunny days! But before your family takes off for the parks and playgrounds, here are some sun safety tips.
You do not need to drill your child with letters, numbers, and facts, before school starts. But there are some things you can do to prepare both you and your child for kindergarten. Here are some ideas.
Young children need support as they say goodbye to parents and family and start their day at child care. Use these tips to help your child transition into the classroom.
Children need to move their bodies and eat healthy foods. Families can promote healthy habits by encouraging children to eat nutritious foods and get some exercise every day. Here are some suggestions.
The NAEYC Affiliate Advisory Council acts as an advisory body to support the continuing transformation of the NAEYC Affiliate structure into a high-performing, inclusive organization.
Your child comes home every day with stories to tell and questions to ask. Here are some tips for sharing meaningful conversations to support his learning.
Many parents have questions about whether their child is ready for kindergarten. Don’t forget that it’s important for the school to be ready for your child as well.
Families can help children develop problem-solving skills by taking advantage of opportunities to talk about solving problems. Here are some ways to start a conversation.