All Teacher Content

Young girl smiling
A group of children watching their teacher instruct.
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2022

Exploring Children’s Thinking About Data

In this excerpt of our book The Young Child and Mathematics, third edition, we showcase children’s thinking about data as a teacher engages her preschoolers in a data-centric activity.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Angela Chan Turrou, Nicholas C. Johnson, Megan L. Franke
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A child reading a book.
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2022

Make Picture Books Count: Effective Ways to Integrate Math and Literacy

This article pairs books from a variety of social and cultural perspectives with activities that meld literacy and math concepts related to counting, shapes, measurement, classifying, and patterning.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Carrie S. Cutler
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A teacher watching her students play with manipulatives.
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2022

9X. Grow in Confidence as an Early Math Teacher

Many early childhood educators do not feel adequately prepared and confident in teaching math. Here are nine ideas you can use to grow in confidence as an intentional math teacher.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Anita Kumar
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the cover of the publication Teaching young children, Volume 15, Number 1
Teaching Young Children
Vol. 15, No. 3
April 1, 2022

Spring 2022

A Focus on Math
This issue of Teaching Young Children is packed with suggestions to make math meaningful, engaging, and playful for young children.
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a group of professionals discussing something

Featured Sessions

View the featured sessions for the 2022 Professional Learning Institute.
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A young child reading a book with a parent
Young Children
March 1, 2022

The Reading Chair: Spring 2022

Some new books too good to miss!

Authored by

Authored by: 
Isabel Baker, Miriam Baker Schiffer
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child with blocks
Young Children
March 1, 2022

Rocking and Rolling: DAP in Action in an Infant-Toddler Setting

This Rocking and Rolling column presents an excerpt from NAEYC’s recently published Developmentally Appropriate Practice, Fourth Edition to help illustrate what DAP looks and sounds like in action.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Kathy Kinsner
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a woman on a computer
January 12, 2022

Using Technology to Support Early Science Teaching and Learning

The proper digital apps and tools can positively impact young children’s learning across home and early learning settings.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Ximena Dominguez, Regan Vidiksis, Jillian Orr, Danae Kamdar, Ashley Lewis Presser
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a teacher recording a childs behavior
Teaching Young Children
January 3, 2022

Ask Hello. What to Do When a Child Makes a Mistake

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
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