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Young girl smiling
Teachers discussing whether they should have cell phones in classroom
August 1, 2013

Should Teachers Have Cell Phones in the Classroom?

What are your thoughts on teachers having cell phones in the classroom? Does your program have a policy on personal cell phone use?

Authored by

Authored by: 
Georgi-Ann Clarke
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Young educator looking at her laptop

Book Recommendations

Check out our NAEYC book recommendations that support staff development and early childhood education courses!
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Children smiling and learning during circle time

Early Learning Program News

Explore issues of Program News, the monthly email newsletter with resources, information, and new ideas for accredited programs and those currently seeking accreditation.
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Adults engaging in learning

AFP Directory

Find your local Accreditation Facilitation Project (AFP) for support.
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Diverse set of children smiling and hugging

Benefits of Accreditation

NAEYC Accreditation ensures that programs are safe, well prepared, and intentional about ensuring children's success. Learn more.
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Children and adults working together to learn about the environment


NAEYC establishes and maintains a clearly defined process for pursuing, achieving, and maintaining NAEYC Accreditation. Learn more about the Early Learning Program Accreditation Policies.
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group of colleagues collaborating

State Partnerships

Learn how NAEYC Accreditation of Early Learning Programs partner with states to make a difference in the lives of young children.
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Cute baby smiling with fingers in mouth

Accreditation Fees

Our fees enable us to support the work of NAEYC Accreditation of Early Learning Programs. Learn more about the fees associated with pursuing and maintaining accreditation.
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A presenter speaking from a podium at a conference
October 5, 2016

Lancet Series: Unlocking Potential in Early Childhood Development

By connecting practice, policy, and research we as a society can ensure all young children thrive and learn in a society dedicated to ensuring they reach their full potential

Authored by

Authored by: 
Abbie Raikes, Hirokazu Yoshikawa
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Child holding markers and smiling

Accreditation Forms

Find all of the Early Learning Program forms used throughout the accreditation process here.
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A picture of someone typing on a laptop

Accreditation Portal for Early Learning Programs

Log in and explore The Early Learning Program Accreditation Portal, where you can access your basic program records, add more data, and move through the accreditation process at your own pace.
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Adults engaging in learning

Council for NAEYC Accreditation

The Council for NAEYC Accreditation ensures the equity, integrity and accountability of NAEYC Accreditation of Early Learning Programs.
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Woman and man smiling

NAEYC Assessors

Explore the NAEYC Assessor's role in the accreditation process and how they help programs build on best practices for high-quality early childhood education.
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