Although researchers no longer adhere to the notion of fixed stages of development (Siegler 2016), the norms Gesell established are still used today by psychologists, educators, and pediatricians to predict developmental changes.
Frances Rust uses American philosopher John Dewey’s idea of “soul-life” to frame her review of several teacher research studies published in Voices of Practitioners.
Mi misión personal es una de empoderar a los educadores de la primera infancia y animar su participación en la abogacía, la formación de políticas y la investigación.
Tips from a licensed foster parent and early childhood educator on the best ways to support children in the foster care system, including resources that will help provide a safe and nurturing environment that assists individual needs.
The best available evidence tells us that more guns leads to more violence, and that child-access prevention laws, in particular, can reduce injuries and deaths.
En NAEYC, la educación anti-prejuicio lleva mucho tiempo como el núcleo del trabajo que hacemos relativo a la raza, la justicia social, la equidad y la diversidad.
The primary focus of this special issue of Young Children is teachers’ decision making and actions within the social and cultural context of developmentally appropriate practice as it pertains to Black children.